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SDA 555 XFL A14 free download

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File name sda55xx_design_guide_2an.pdf

APPLICATION NOTE IC Micronas SDA 55xx TVText Pro Design Guide Edition March 20, 2003 6251-556-2-2AN MICRONAS SDA 55xx Contents Page 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 12 Section 1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. 3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 6. Title Introduction Hardware Items Filtering of Power Supply Oscillator Slicer Performance Group Delay Filter How to Adjust the Correct CVBS Amplitude RGB Output Contrast Reduction I2C Bus Application with 124 and 252 Pages Teletext Application Circuit OSD-only Version (SDA 552x) Sync Master Mode How to Order 128 kByte ROM Mask Development Tools Flash Programming Tools for SDA 555xFL OSD and Character Editor TEDI PRO Emulation and Compiler Important Changes Pin Configuration Memory Access Time Application Note History APPLICATION NOTE IC i March 20, 2003; 6251-556-2-2AN Micronas APPLICATION NOTE IC SDA 55xx 2. Hardware Items 2.1. Filtering of Power Supply TVText Pro Design Guide 1. Introduction The purpose of this application note is to give a brief overview of the most important hardware aspects of the TVText Pro, e.g. slicer performance, oscillator, and hardware design. The TVText Pro requires two different power supply voltages. The 3.3-V supply is used to drive all port pins and address/data lines. The 2.5 V is used for the CPU core and the analog units of the TVText Pro. It is important for the hardware designer to take special note of the stability and noise on the 2.5-V domain. To avoid interference on the power supply lines and improve the analog performance (e.g. slicer, ADC) of the TVText Pro, it is recommended to divide the power supply into different sections, which are separated from each other by LC-filters. The number of power supply pins assigned to the different power supply sections depends on the package type of the TVText Pro. The tables below show pin assignments for the voltage domains in each of the four available package types. Table 2­1: Power sections (1) Power Section Supplied Module VDD 2.5 V CORE 2.5 V ANALOG1 2.5 V ANALOG2 3.3 V DIGITAL1 3.3 V DIGITAL2 CPU, pad input stage ADC, slicer, SC-Decoder DAC (RGB), PLL, oscillator Port 0, Port 1, COR/BLANK VSYNC, Port 3, Port 4.2..3 9, 42 13 37 11, 44 30 PSDIP52-1 VSS 10, 43 14 36 10, 43 29 VDD 3, 44 9 37 5, 46 29 PMQFP64-1 VSS 4, 45 10 36 4, 45 28 Table 2­2: Power sections (2) Power Section Supplied Module PMQFP100-1 VDD 2.5 V CORE 2.5 V ANALOG1 2.5 V ANALOG2 3.3 V DIGITAL1 3.3 V DIGITAL2 CPU, pad input stage ADC, slicer, SC-Decoder DAC (RGB), PLL, oscillator Port 0, Address/Data, COR/BLANK, Port 1.7 VSYNC, Port 3, Port 4.2..3, Port 1 6, 73 22 56 8, 92, 75 40 VSS 7, 74 23 55 7, 91, 74 39 VDD 14, 68 26 57 1, 16, 70 43 PLCC84-1 VSS 15, 69 27 56 84, 15, 69 42 Micronas March 20, 2003; 6251-556-2-2AN 1 SDA 55xx 2.2. Oscillator In order to gain maximum slicer performance, a 6.000 MHz quartz crystal with a frequency tolerance of ±100 ppm (over-all) should be used. This crysta
File name sda55xx_eval_board_3-2ak.pdf

APPLICATION NOTE KITS/BOARDS MICRONAS SDA 55xx TVText Pro Evaluation Board Edition Nov. 26, 2003 6251-556-3-2AK MICRONAS SDA 55xx Contents Page 1 1 2 2 2 3 6 Section 1. 1.1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 3. 4. Title Introduction Features of the TVText Pro Evaluation Board Getting Started Jumper Settings How to Start the Demonstration Application Circuit Application Note History APPLICATION NOTE KITS/BOARDS i Nov. 26, 2003; 6251-556-3-2AK Micronas APPLICATION NOTE KITS/BOARDS SDA 55xx Clock: ­ 6 MHz crystal Interfaces: ­ Serial interface for RS232 (RS232 connector, DB9 plug) ­ TV interface for display (SCART connector, SCART plug) ­ Signal interface for Full Data Service Slicer (CVBS Input, BNC plug) ­ Multifunctional interface for extension (Universal Con., 96-pin plug) Power: ­ Only one external stable +5 V power supply unit required ­ On-board generated +3.3 V (adjustable), +2.5 V (adj.) and +8.0 V Modules: ­ Infrared receiver for IR remote control ­ Sync-Separator for generating H- and V-sync from an CVBS signal Dimensions: ­ 100 mm x 154 mm, height: 3.1 mm TVText Pro Release Note: Revision bars indicate significant changes to the previous edition. 1. Introduction The TVText Pro Evaluation Board is a versatile tool which provides quick access to the capabilities of TVText Pro's powerful architecture. To enable applications to be developed quickly and easily, the TVText Pro Evaluation Board is fitted with a variety of peripherals for connections to the outside world. This document applies to version 2 or higher of the TVText Pro Evaluation Board. Version 2 can clearly be seen on the board by the marking B004-V002. 1.1. Features of the TVText Pro Evaluation Board CPU: ­ TVText Pro in open top socket (MQFP100 package) Memory: ­ FLASH/EPROM memory up to 512 k x 8 (3.3 V, PLCC32 package) ­ SRAM 512 k x 8 (3.3 V, SO32 package) ­ NV-Memory (3.3 V, DIP8 package, I2C controlled) Universal Connector Reset Button NVM RS232 Connector Infrared Decoder SCART Connector (RGB Out) 4 Mbit SRAM Power LED Flash/Eprom +5 V Power Supply Input CVBS IN SyncSeparator 6 MHz Crystal +2.5 V Adjustment +3.3 V Adjustment Fig. 1­1: TVText Pro Evaluation Board Micronas Nov. 26, 2003; 6251-556-3-2AK 1 SDA 55xx 2. Getting Started 2.1. Jumper Settings An overview of all jumpers and switches of the TVText Pro Evaluation Board is shown in Table 2­1. The setting recommended in the last column "Setting" is used for running the demonstration software (P090Vxxx : 10 pages or P098Vxxx: 252 pages) with a television connected via the SCART connector. APPLICATION NOTE KITS/BOARDS 2.2. How to Start the Demonstration After setting the jumpers to the right position, proceed through the following instructions to start the demonstration software: ­ connect an antenna to a TV set and tune the TV (video picture on screen) ­ connect the TV set via a SCART cable to the TVText Pro Evaluation Board ­ connect a stable +5 V power supply unit (300 mA) to the power supply input ('POWER 5 V'

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