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Microlab ATX power supply free download

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File name:ATX-5400X (Microlab 400W).zip
[preview ATX power supply]
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Model:ATX power supply 🔎
Original:ATX5400 🔎
Descr:ATX 400 power supply Schematic
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
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File name ATX-5400X (Microlab 400W).pdf

1 2 C9 205K/250V 3 4 ST1020 D10A 5 L1 106-26 + 6 +12v.OUT + BD1-BD4 .47/275VAC C3 TH1 054 F1 5A/250V 222/275VAC CX1 .01 LF1 CX2 RV 1M 4 2 C7 470UF/200V SW1 C4 3 5A/250V C8 470UF/200V R3B 220K R3A 220K D1 FR107 R9 2.7K 2S2625 Q1 R6 2.2E R5 51E 1UH L5 1 R7A 4.7E D3A 4148 D3 4148 C21 104/50V R30 4.7E FR152 D12 ST/3040D11A L1 106-26 L6 C27 + C24 C29 220/16V 220UF/16V D R6A 2.2E 1UH +5v.out C24 R33 27E R32 470E L4 FR105 D22 34UH + + D + C8 C10 102/1KV 10/50V T1 C22 103 R23 4.7E D10B FR152 2200/10V L1 106-26 2000UF/10V -12v.out -5v.out D2 FR107 2S2625 Q2 R7 2.7K R8A 2.2E R8 2.2E C710/50V + L8 R9A 4.7E D3A 4148 T2 D3 4148 50UH D15A SBL2040 KA7905 IC6 C32 10/50V + C23 220/16V L2 62UH + L7 1/UH C25 2200/10 R43A 10E + 3.3v.out R29 10E 2200/10V C26 C PG.OUT 1UF/50V C42 3 R62 1K R37 22E R37A 22E D16 4148 R8 100 D21 4148 Q8 C945 R9 1.5K D16 4148 D26 4148 D11 4148 Q28 C945 R41 39E Q5 C37 4.7UF/50V + D27 4148 D17 IN4148 A928A IC4 KA431 R32 10E R31 100E C28 4.7UF/50V C R77 330K R68 4.7K 13 R64 15K D30 4148 11 Q11 A733 B D33 4148 10 R69 33K 9 8 R67 4.7K 339/ST 6 7 4 12 2 3 R? 14 1 R76 7.5K D22 IN418 3.3VS + R34 845EK R65 4.7K R38 22E C28A C104 R35 2.4K R74 1M R75 27K R39 4.7 C36 22UF/50V D17 FR05 5 R79 12K TO.5VSB-2 R43 2.7K R42 2.7K R46 2.7K 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R40 1K R61 150E R47 2.7k C38 102/50v R81 27k R14 47K R45 16k 103/50VC39 R59 1.2K R57 R60 1.2K 1K B R48 51K VR1 101/T D23 IN4148 R72 56K C43 104 C45 103/50v IC1 KA7500B + R63 4.7K Q10 A733 R69 150K PS--ON C46 104 C40 R80 15K R71 220K R50 56K R20 1K C40 4.7UF/50V C7 47UF/50V C41 103 R16 47E A D18 4148 1/50v D32 4148 R70 12K C44 224 R56 5.6K 1 2 3 D56 4148 to.--5v R54 1.5K D18A4148 to.--12v to.+5v 1KR54A D19 4148 to.+12v ZD3 13V 4 5 3.2V ZD1 to.+3.3v Size B Date: File: 13-Aug-2004 Sheet of C:\DOCUME~1\WANGZH~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\5400X-2.ddb Drawn By: 6 Number Revision Title A R62 1.2K D23 4148 ZD4 4.7V 1 2 3 4 5 6 D D VCC+ D8 to.5vsb-2 R10A 220K D101 FR107 C C16 102/50V 14C2 104/50V IC4 LTV817 D6 IN4148 C13 103/1KV D4 T1 4148 R10B 220K R11 39K R18 47E R16 56E D9 FR104 SR560 C17 102/1KV C C21 47UF/50V L9 62UH 5vsB.out R17 51E R19 220E R22 3.9K C20 104/50V R20 2.6K R11A 120E R15 220 Q3 2SC5027 1000UF/10V C18 C19 1000UF/10V KA431 R21 2.5K R13 1K B 1Q1 2SC5344Y B 104/100v C15 R12 1.5E VCC- A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 13-Aug-2004 Sheet of C:\DOCUME~1\WANGZH~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\5400X-1.DDB Drawn By: 6 Number Revision A
File name KA7500 same as TL494.txt

KA7500B is litterally the korean copycat of Texas Instrument TL494.
File name TL494.pdf TL494 PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074E ­ JANUARY 1983 ­ REVISED FEBRUARY 2005 FEATURES · · · · · · · Complete PWM Power-Control Circuitry Uncommitted Outputs for 200-mA Sink or Source Current Output Control Selects Single-Ended or Push-Pull Operation Internal Circuitry Prohibits Double Pulse at Either Output Variable Dead Time Provides Control Over Total Range Internal Regulator Provides a Stable 5-V Reference Supply With 5% Tolerance Circuit Architecture Allows Easy Synchronization D, DB, N, NS, OR PW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 1IN+ 1IN- FEEDBACK DTC CT RT GND C1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2IN+ 2IN- REF OUTPUT CTRL VCC C2 E2 E1 DESCRIPTION The TL494 incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) control circuit on a single chip. Designed primarily for power-supply control, this device offers the flexibility to tailor the power-supply control circuitry to a specific application. The TL494 contains two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a dead-time control (DTC) comparator, a pulse-steering control flip-flop, a 5-V, 5%-precision regulator, and output-control circuits. The error amplifiers exhibit a common-mode voltage range from ­0.3 V to VCC ­ 2 V. The dead-time control comparator has a fixed offset that provides approximately 5% dead time. The on-chip oscillator can be bypassed by terminating RT to the reference output and providing a sawtooth input to CT, or it can drive the common circuits in synchronous multiple-rail power supplies. The uncommitted output transistors provide either common-emitter or emitter-follower output capability. The TL494 provides for push-pull or single-ended output operation, which can be selected through the output-control function. The architecture of this device prohibits the possibility of either output being pulsed twice during push-pull operation. The TL494C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TL494I is characterized for operation from ­40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGED DEVICES (1) TA SMALL OUTLINE (D) TL494CD TL494ID PLASTIC DIP (N) TL494CN TL494IN SMALL OUTLINE (NS) TL494CNS -- SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE (DB) TL494CDB -- THIN SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE (PW) TL494CPW -- 0°C to 70°C ­40°C to 85°C (1) The D, DB, NS, and PW packages are available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to device type (e.g., TL494CDR). Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 1983­2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated TL494 PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SLVS074E ­ JANUARY 1983 ­ REVISED F

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