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Now downloading free:MeTex M3850D

MeTex M3850D free download

Multimeters (digital and analog), test equipment, laboratory equipment, measurement equipment - Fluke, Hameg - Service manuals, schematic diagrams and repair information

File information:
File name:Metex.rar
Size:542 kB
Model:M3850D 🔎
Descr:MeTex M3850D
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment > Multimeters
Multipart:No multipart

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File name README.TXT

ScopeView Version 1.03 Copyright 1994, 1995 AGA Associates P.O. Box 99573 Seattle, WA 98199-0573 USA [email protected] Welcome: ScopeView Software is designed to receive, record and graphically present Digital Multimeter (DMM) measurement data. Please read this file to assist you in understanding ScopeView features, getting ScopeView software properly configured, and learning some helpful tips. Compatibility: Hardware Requirements: PC 386 or better Operating System: Microsoft Windows Version 3.0 (minimum) Digital Multimeter (DMM) compatibility: Family Meter Models -------------------------------------------------------- M36XXCR M3630CR M3650CR M46XXCR M4630CR M4650CR M38XX M3830 M3850 M36XXD M3610D M3630D M3640D M3650D M3660D M46XXD M4610D M4630D M4640D M4650D M4660D Installation: ScopeView requires at least 1.43 megabytes of space for installation. Install ScopeView through standard Window's installation procedure: Boot up your computer, and enter Windows. Insert the ScopeView disk in to disk drive A or B. From the Windows Program Manager select 'Run' from the File Menu. For ScopeView in disk A type:a:\setup and press the 'Enter' key For ScopeView in disk B type:b:\setup and press the 'Enter' key Set up: Connect the Multimeter to your computer's COM Port (Reference your computer hardware manual if necessary). Make note of which port (COM1 to COM4) the meter has been connected. Turn on Meter. Run ScopeView program. When the ScopeView Control form appears, Click on the Setup button. A window will be displayed for set up of the meter type, COM port and baud rate. Click on the arrow buttons for each parameter to display a list of valid choices. ScopeView Setup Option choices Meter Model- Select the meter model number which matches your meter or meter family. For example for a M3850, select M38XX; for M3630CR, select M36XXCR; COM Port - Select the port that the meter is connected to. Baud Rate- Set to 1200 baud for all current DMM models. ScopeView Setup Command button description 'Cancel' - Restore the original settings present before exiting the setup window. 'Save' - Save to disk the setup values currently displayed. This will set the default values used each time ScopeView is run. 'Exit' - Return to ScopeView. The values present on the setup form are used for this session. The next time ScopeView is run the last saved setup values are used. Operation: Make sure the meter is properly attached to the computer, the meter is ON and the meter display is acti

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