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SERVICE MANUAL 3Y11 CHASSIS Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. ( ONLY REFERRENCE) ENGINEER BY: _____ CHECKED BY: _____ PPROVED BY: _____ Contents Safety Notice--------------------------------------------------------2 Technical specification--------------------------------------------3 Chassis Block Diagram--------------------------------------------4 IC Block Diagram -------------------------------------------------5-8 Transistor mark ----------------------------------------------------9 Chassis wiring diagram --------------------------------------------10 PCB Top/Bottom layer -------------------------------------------11-13 Service Adjustments ------------------------------------------- 14-16 Purity and Convergence Adjustment ----------------------------17 Control Location ---------------------------------------------------18 Input and Output Terminals----------------------------------------19 Operation Instructions------------------------------------------20-21 Mechanical Disassemblies----------------------------------------22 Cabinet parts List ---------------------------------------------------23 Circuit Diagram-----------------------------------------------------24 Safety Notice SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1:An isolation transformer should be connected in the power line between the receiver and the AC line when a service is performed on the primary of the converter transformer of the set. 2:Comply with all caution and safety-related notes provided on the cabinet back, inside the cabinet, on the chassis or the picture tube. 3:When replacing a chassis in the cabinet, always be certain that all the protective devices are installed properly,such as,control knobs, adjustment covers or shields, barriers,isolation resistor-capacitor networks etc.. Before returning any television to the customer,the service technician must be sure that it is completely safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. X-RADIATION PRECAUTION The primary source of X-RADIATION in television receiver is the picture tube. The picture tube is specially constructed to limit X-RADIATION emissions. For continued X-RADIATION protection, the replacement tube must be the same type as the original including suffix letter. Excessive high voltage may produce potentially hazardous X-RADIATION. To avoid such hazards, the high voltage must be maintained within specified limit. Refer to this service manual, high voltage adjustment for specific high voltage limit. If high voltage exceeds specfied limits, take necessary corrective action. Carefully follow the instructions for +B1 volt power supply adjustment, and high voltage check to maintain the high voltage within the specified limits. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Product safety should be considered when a component replacement is made in any area of a receiver. Components indicated by mark ! in the parts list and the schematic diagram designate components in which safety can be of special significance

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