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File name:NEO TV-2570.rar
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Size:893 kB
Model:NEO 🔎
Original:TV-2570 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name NEO TV-2570.pdf

TCL TCL ELECTRONICS HZ LTD. : HZ2003-06-056R0 A 01-2570M2-M259H SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM EC2570 DESIGN SECTION(EXPORT) (BRAND NAME): TCL 2570 B.O.M. : (FOR BULGARIA) 05-06-2003 PRODUCTION FORM 03-2570M2-BG25 : (TO): ² É º ¿ ¹ ² QA ² É ú ú ¿ ² PMC ²¿ PE ² ¹ ¤ Ì ¿ ³ TV Ï ã Û ¸ IQC ² ² ¿ · ¿ Æ HK ² ² ¿ · ¿ Æ (TYPE OF JOB.): Silk Screen Printing Relief Printing Spray Printing Spraying Paint Plastic Colour Four- Colour Printing i) ii) iii) iv) (SCALE) : 1:1 (SIZE) (COLOUR) : A3 : PRINT IN BLACK ON WHITE BLACKGROUND. A.R.F.NO.: ODF Os030072023 05-06-2003 ODF DATE: 1 7 / PREPARED BY ENG.CHECKED BY: REVIEWED BY

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