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File information:
File name:grunge distortion gr_1.pdf
[preview GR1]
Size:50 kB
Model:GR1 🔎
Descr:Guitar grunge distortion
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name grunge distortion gr_1.pdf

GR1. Grunge GR - 1 R16 P11 5.1k +V J1 P1 R1 P2 10k 47n C1 120p A P3 R2 1M R3 10k A C5 100p R12 C6 27n +V C3 10n 220k D1 1N4148 +V Q4 BC550C R11 R9 47k A A A A 2k R10 10k C13 2n C20 1n Q6 BC550C R34 R45 1M R36 47k R35 10k 1k R39 470k R38 10k C22 47n Q3 BC550C R37 330 C19 15n Q2 303 C18 51p R33 C21 3.3k 1.5u +V C2 Q1 303 C4 33n R8 100k 5 6 8 +V 4 U1B JRC4558 R13 7 10k C8 47n A A R17 240 C11 10u 2 C10 P12 2n +V U1A JRC4558 1 R14 33n 10k R15 100k A 2 10u 8 4 3 BUTT 2 3 1 RV3 50kB 1 FACE 2 3 RV2 50kB P14 P15 GRUNGE 1 RV1 50kB P13 P16 R44 1.2k C24 15n INPUT A R32 100k 3 2 +V +V 3 C12 2k D3 1N4148 47k D2 1N4148 R40 10k 3 2 4 R18 R19 C17 1u 4 C9 U2A JRC4558 1 U3A JRC4558 1 C27 P17 10u C28 P18 0.22u 2 LOUD 3 RV4 50kB 1 8 8 C23 100p R43 10k +V 4 C26 0.1u 5 6 8 R42 47k R41 390 5 6 4 +V 8 U3B JRC4558 7 C25 0.68u R47 100k A P19 U2B JRC4558 7 12 V Y 10 6 Battery DC9V . . + 11 X C14 V Y 9 X C29 0.22u +V - . 8 P4 P5 0.22u U4 CD4066 A D5 1N4007 +V R26 5 R22 100k Q5 BC550C C32 Y 2 R30 1M C15 R49 100k 10u R50 10k R48 P10 100 R46 100k J2 J3 . 100 D4 1N4007 DC9V C33 330u C31 47n V X Y 4 R25 100k 13 V X R28 10k A R29 22k C30 47u C16 47n 3 OUTPUT R31 4.7k 1 R27 10k 47n +V A . P6 P7 P8 D6 . . S1 307 . . . P9 GR1. . . . . . . . . . . . . GR1 1 . . . Yerasov music corp. 1

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