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Yerasov Mouse 15R free download

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File information:
File name:Mouse-15R amp.pdf
[preview Mouse 15R]
Size:104 kB
Model:Mouse 15R 🔎
Descr:Guitar amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Mouse-15R amp.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mouse-15R A R3 15K R4 C2 33K 470pF +12V J1 2 5 4 3 1 8 R25 1Meg R24 C17 +12V 8 0.47uF C18 100pF R26 1Meg TL072CN 4 C19 47pF R27 470K U1A A 1 TL072CN 4 +12V R18 2.2K R19 100K C13 0.1uF C14 0.047uF L-1154GD D4 +12V R8 10K C12 270pF P1 C21 22uF PJ1 PJ1 + LS1 A CD INPUT J2 2 5 4 3 1 R22 22K R21 22K C16 2.2K 2 A U3A 1 0.47uF 3 R23 1Meg -12V +12V INPUT 6 C1 R1 10K 5 R2 1Meg R30 680 R31 33K +U C23 0.1uF U4A 4 TDA2050 C24 3 -U 0.1uF 2 5 4 3 6 1 R32 2.2 C22 0.47uF R33 300 5 U1B B 7 TL072CN 4 R5 2.2K C3 0.010uF 8 . RV1 CLEAN VOLUME OVERDRIVE ON/OFF SW1 PHONE J3 2 3 R17 470K TREBLE 0.047uF 200KB . . . 8 RV4 C15 0.010uF R20 220K 6 5 B U3B 7 TL072CN 2 C20 0.22uF R28 2.2K R29 47K 1 -12V C4 0.047uF R6 10K RV2 200KB 61 D1 D2 200KB RV5 Celestion Super8 PJ2 PJ2 -12V BASS 4 -12V DRIVE . 200KA RV6 20KB B D3 MID P2 B C5 R7 470pF 1Meg R12 1Meg R13 1Meg C7 0.068uF Q1 303 C9 0.022uF Q2 307 C10 3300pF R14 2.2K C8 0.47uF R15 47K C11 0.033uF R41 4.7K C32 0.047uF R42 33K C33 470pF +12V 8 C31 0.010uF 2 3 R40 10K 1 U5A 1 NE5532 4 +12V 8 +12V 8 6 5 B U2B 7 TL072CN 4 2 3 A U2A 1 TL072CN 4 C6 0.022uF R9 2.2K R11 100K . RV3 OVERDRIVE VOLUME OUT P9 1 2 200KB R16 12K C34 -12V -12V R10 1Meg REVERB 0.022uF .RV7 200KB R43 470K REVERB 0,5 A C A 1 GND N -12V C POWER SW2 2 1 TR1 3 PJ5 4 P5 D5 P4 IN +U R34 68 +12V 3CB1F D6 BZV85C - 12V 1.3W C27 1000uF PJ8 P8 P7 1 2 C29 22uF R38 22 R39 22K C30 2200pF +12V 8 ~220 B 2 GND PJ4 5 PJ6 3 P6 KBP005 C25 4700uF C26 4700uF R35 -U 68 PJ3 P3 D7 BZV85C - 12V 1.3W C28 1000uF 6 R36 100K R37 22K 5 2 U5B 7 NE5532 4 -12V -12V D D Title Size A3 Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number Revision R1.15R. 11.02.2005 Sheet of D:\\..\Mouse-15R.SCHDOCDrawn By: 7 8

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