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TRACE ELLIOT SERVICE MANUAL NO. SM00012 ISSUE 1 Date: Product Code : Model No : Technical File No : October 28, 1996 T3210/T3215 Bonneville H100/C50 TE00012 Issued by: Trace Elliot Limited. Blackwater Trading Estate The Causeway, Maldon Essex CM4 4GG. PARTS LIST FOR PC00012 BONNEVILLE COMBO FRONT BOARD Description PCB RESISTORS 1K0 1/4W 10K 1/4W 33K 1/4W 470K 1/4W 10M 1/4W 0 Ohm Link CAPACITORS 470p 1n0 2n2 22n 100n 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 400V poly box 250V poly box 72-C470P-1KVCD 72-C1000P-1KVCD 72-C2200P-1KVCD 72-C22N-400VPR 72-C100N-250VB 1 1 1 2 3 C3 C1 C2 C4 C6 72-RM1K 72-RM10K 72-RM33K 72-RM470K 72-RM10M 72-RCZERO 2 1 1 2 2 6 R6 R8 R3 R4 R1 R7 Part Code PC00012 Qty 1 Where Used R5 R2 C5 C7 C8 SEMICONDUCTORS 2N3904 3mm RED LED CONNECTORS 2 way 0.1" 3 way 0.1" 4 way 0.1" SOCKETS Mono Jack Socket SWITCHES Mini Toggle SPDT vertical 73-SWT-M-TGL-PCB 3 SW1 SW2 SW3 73-SKT-JCKBNBG 1 SK1 72-HEAD-2W 72-HEAD-3W2 72-HEAD-4W 5 3 1 PL13 PL15 PL16 PL18 PL19 PL14 PL17 PL20 PL21 72-T2N3904 72-LED-RED-3mm 1 2 TR1 LED1 LED2 POTENTIOMETERS 25K LOG 25K LIN 250K LOG 1M0 LOG Paul Stevens 3 January 1996 73-POT-A25K 73-POT-B25K 73-POT-A250K 73-POT-A1M 1 1 2 4 RV3 RV5 RV4 RV1 RV6 RV2 RV7 RV8 PARTS LIST FOR PC00011C BONNEVILLE COMBO MAIN PREAMP BOARD Description PCB RESISTORS 820R 470R 1K0 1K5 1K8 3K3 4K7 5K6 8K2 10K 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 72-RC820R-.25W 72-RM470R 72-RM1K 72-RM1K5 72-RM1K8 72-RM3K3 72-RM4K7 72-RM5K6 72-RM8K2 72-RM10K 72-RM39K 72-RM68K 72-RM100K 72-RM120K 72-RM220K 72-RM330K 72-RM470K 72-RM1M 72-RM10M 72-RM47K-1WATT 72-RM82K-1WATT 72-RM100K-1WATT 72-RM220K-1WATT 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 3 1 6 8 5 1 1 6 4 R23 R39 R28 R4 R14 R34 R38 R44 R64 R13 R58 R20 R2 R30 R55 R61 R19 R18 R5 R26 R1 R36 R6 R21 R65 R40 R10 R41 R3 R24 R50 R47 R51 R52 Part Code PC00011 (issue 3) Qty 1 Where Used R37 R60 R56 R57 39K 1/4W 68K 1/4W 100K 1/4W 120K 220K 330K 470K 1M0 10M 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W 1/4W R32 R59 R31 R8 R42 R16 R43 R7 R53 R63 R49 R11 R27 R46 R9 R54 R15 R33 R62 R12 47K 1W 82K 1W 100K 1W 220K 1W SEMICONDUCTORS 1N4148 2N3904 MPSA42 R17 R48 R22 R25 R35 R29 R45 72-D-IN4148 72-T2N3904 72-TMPSA42 8 3 2 D1 D9 TR1 TR4 D2 D10 TR2 TR5 D5 D11 TR3 D8 D12 CAPACITORS 47p 100p 220p 470p 560p 1n0 2n2 4n7 1u5 2u2 1u0 2u2 47u 10n 22n 500V ceramic 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 100V ceramic 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 1KV ceramic 35V tant 35V tant 63V elect radial 63V elect radial 63V elect radial 100V poly box 400V poly box 72-C47P-500VCD 72-C100P-1KVCD 72-C220P-1KVCD 72-C470P-1KVCD 72-C560P-100VCD 72-C1000P-1KVCD 72-C2200P-1KVCD 72-C4700P-1KVCD 72-C1.5-35VT 72-C2.2-35VT 72-C1-63VER 72-C2.2-63VER 72-C47-63VER 72-C10N-100VP 72-C22N-400VPR 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 9 C18 C5 C27 C3 C25 C10 C4 C28 C1 C12 C33 C39 C29 C38 C2 C16 C26 C7 C31 C41 C45 C14 C19 C9 C20 C6 C34 C37 C8 C17 C21 C32 C42 C47 C15 C35 C11 C22 C24 C36 C43 C13 23 C30 C40 C44 100n 250V poly box 72-C100N-250VB 13 220n 250V poly box 0.4" I.

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