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File name:Trace Elliot V4 bass pre amp Service Manual.pdf
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Descr:bass preamp service manual
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File name Trace Elliot V4 bass pre amp Service Manual.pdf

TRACE ELLIOT SERVICE MANUAL NO. SM00017 ISSUE 1 Date: Product Code : Model No : Technical File No : October 28, 1996 T0100 V-Type Pre-Amp TE00017 Issued by: Trace Elliot Limited. Blackwater Trading Estate The Causeway, Maldon Essex CM4 4GG. C12-PCB-VTYP-PREx1. V-TYPE RACK MOUNT PREAMP MAIN BOARD. ISSUE 1 INSERTION LIST. ANDY EWEN 11/8/98. DESCRIPTION PART CODE QTY PCB PC00008 ISSUE 2 VALVE PCB ZENER DIODE 27V DIODE RES 2.5W 4K7 RES 2W 100K RES 1/2W 10K ZERO OHM LINK RES 1/4W 100K RES 1/4W 100R RES 1/4W 10K RES 1/4W 10M RES 1/4W 150K RES 1/4W 1K5 RES 1/4W 1M RES 1/4W 27K RES 1/4W 330K RES 1/4W 47K RES 1/4W 560K RES 1/4W 560R RES 1/4W 5K6 RES 1/4W 8K2 CAP 1uF POLY BOX CAP 1uF ELEC RADIAL CAP 10uF ELEC RADIAL CAP 10uF ELEC RADIAL CAP 1000uF ELEC RAD. CAP 100N POLY BOX CAP 100P CER DISC CAP 150P CER DISC CAP 200P Polystyrene CAP 22uF ELEC AXIAL CAP 22N POLY BOX CAP 47uF ELEC RADIAL CAP 470uF ELEC RAD. CAP 470N POLY BOX CAP 47N POLY BOX CAP 47N POLY BOX CAP 4N7 POLY BOX CAP 100uF ELEC RAD. 73-PCB-PC00008 C12-PCB-PC00020 72-D-BZX55C27V 72-D-IN4007 72-RWW4K7-2.5W 72-RC100K-2W 72-RC10K-.5W 72-RCZERO 72-RM100K 72-RM100R 72-RM10K 72-RM10M 72-RM150K 72-RM1K5 72-RM1M 72-RM27K 72-RM330K 72-RM47K 72-RM560K 72-RM560R 72-RM5K6 72-RM8K2 72-C1-250VP 72-C1-63VER 72-C10-35VER 72-C10-63VER 72-C1000-63VER 72-C100N-250VP 72-C100P-100VCD2 72-C150P-50VCD 72-C200P-630VPA 72-C22-450VEA 72-C22N-400VP 72-C47-63VER 72-C470-63VER 72-C470N-250VP 72-C47N-100VP 72-C47N-400VP 72-C4N7-400VP 72-CAP-100400V 1 2 1 10 1 4 2 24 2 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 WHERE USED SKV1 SKV2 ZD1 D1-D10 R35 R8 R10 R17 R20 R9 R36 As marked (leave out links near SKV1 & SKV2) R2 R5 R40 R24 R14 R23 R6 R16 R18 R3 R4 R7 R12 R15 R21 R22 R1 R13 R25-R32 R11 R33 R34 R37 R19 C2 C14 C15 MOD ACROSS R28 & R29 +ve legs nearest IC1. C16 C17 C22 C4 C24 C25 C26 C27 C18 C28 C8 C3 C20 C21 C12 C13 C9 C10 C23 C11 C1 C5 C7 C6 C19 TRANSISTOR BC549C 8-WAY SOCKET IC RC4558P POT A 1MEG POT A 250K POT A 25K POT A25K PULL SWITCH MINI TOGGLE SWITCH 2-WAY HEADER 0.1" 8-WAY HEADER 0.2" XLR PLUG NEUTRIK JACK SOCKETS FLYLEAD SIGNAL LEAD SIGNAL LEAD LED WIRES 72-TBC549C 72-SOCKET-8W 72-IC-RC4558P 73-POT-A1M 73-POT-A250K 73-POT-A25K 73-POT-A25K-PS 73-SWT-M-TGL-PCB 72-HEAD-2W 72-HEAD-8W 73-XLR-PCB-M-N 72-SKT-JCKBNBG 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 TR1 FOR IC1 IC1 P1 P2 P4 P5 P3 SW1 SW3 SW4 SW5 HP1 & HP4 (SEE NB1) PL1 XLR1 SK1 SK2 From PL2 on both PC00020's to HP4 & HP1 From L/0(V) to PC00009 From send/return to PC00009 From LED LEGEND to LED C00-FLY-HEATER-X 1 LOOM-00275 LOOM-00273 LOOM-00274 1 1 1 N.B.1 The two 2-way headers are fitted with their small face to the left. This is with the pots facing you and on the racky version, leave out HP2 & HP3 as these are fitted on the two PC00020's.

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