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Pioneer PL500 free download

Turntable, gramophone for vinyl records, professional audio equipment, DJ equipment - Unitra, Technics, Teac - Servcie manuals, schematics and repair guides

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Model:PL500 🔎
Descr:Pioneer Turntable PL500 Service Manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio > Turntables
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$eftice S T E R E OT U R N TABLE nual PLIE OOX (DrrroNeER' MODELPL-5OOX COMES TWOVERSIONS IN DISTINGUISHED FOLLOWS: AS Type HET Voltag 22OV and 24OV (Switchable) Rmerk3 Europe model (Without cartridge) HBT 22OV and 24OV (Switchable) United Kingdom model (Without carrridgo) CONTENTS 1 . S P E C | F | C A T | . . N. S O. . 2 . P A N E LF A C I L I T I E S . 3. DISASSEMBLY 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 C a b i n e t .. Tonearm D.D. Motor Operation Adjustment Mechanism Adjustments. 6 7 I 9 ... 3 4 4. ADJUSTMENTS 5. PACKING 6. EXPLODEDVIEWSANO PARTS LIST 6.1 Cabinet.. 0.2 Subpanel 6.3 D.D.Motor... 7.SCHEMATITAGRAM DC ...11 ...14 ...16 ...17 8 . P . C .B O A R DC O N N E C T I O N I A G R A M D s 8 . 1 P a r t L i s t o f . C B o a r d s s e m b l .y. . . . . . 2 1 P . A For description of the D. D. motor, refer to the PL-630service manual(ART-314) and for full auto mechanism,refer to the PL-3000 servicemanual (ART-350). PL-5ClC'x 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable DrivSystem .. Direct-drive M o t o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O u a r t P L L H a l lm o t o r z Platter . . . . . . . . .33ommdism.atuminum Turntable alloy die-c6st lvlomentol lnertie 3ookg{m' {includingplalter matl Speed... ,s ... 331/3and4srpm ( W o wa n d F l u t t e r ... L e s sh s n0 . 0 2 5 % W R M S ) t S i g n s l - t o - N oR a t i o . iso . . . . . M o r er h a n7 5 d B( D l N - B l (wilh Pioneercartridgemodl PC-200) Rotational Characteristica . . Wirhin 120" rotationar 331/3rpm Build-upTime Deviation.. Spoed ... Less than 0.002% S p e e d s .L o a dC h a r a c t e r i s t i.c s. . . . . . . v .. S r a b t u p t o 15 0 g r a m s e drag load SpeedDrift . . . . . Lessrhan O.OOOOS%/h33-1/3rpm at Lessthan 0.00o03%/dgree temp. ch6ngeat 33-1/3rpm Transistors. D i o d e s . . . . . . . . Hall Elements . . . . .. . . . 3 . . . .. . .. 3 . . . .. . . 3 . 2 2 O | 2 4 O V- ( s w i t c h a b l e ) , Miscellaneous Power Requirements Powr Consumption Dimensions Weight s0,60H, ...10w . . . . . . 4 4 0 ( W ') 1 4 0 { x 3 8 8 ( D } m r n x H} 1 7 - 1 5 / 1 6 (x s)- 1 / 2 { H ) l 5 - 1 / 4 ( D ) i n . W x . .9.1ks/201b .1 .1 Accessories EP Adapter Screwdriver Carlrjdgemounting parts Carlridgemounting screws. C a r t r i d g em o u n t r n g n u t s . C 6 r t r i d g e m o u n t i n g w a s h e r s. Operating Instructions(French and German furnished on r n o d e l sf o r H E T ) rA 1 without NOTE: Subfunclions Full auto mechanism, Anti-skating force controf, Stylus pressure d i r e c t - r e a d o u tc o u n t e r w e i g h t , C u e i n g d e v i c e , S r r o b e l i g h t , F r e e s r o p hrnges Specifications and design subiect to po$ibte modification notice. clue to improvements. Semiconductors lCs L IN E VO LT A G ES E LE C T ORS WIT C H The line voltageselectorswitch is locatedon the top surface of the cabinetof this turntable, Before your turntable is shipped from the factory, the switch is set to the power requirementsof the tur

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