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Pioneer PL530 free download

Turntable, gramophone for vinyl records, professional audio equipment, DJ equipment - Unitra, Technics, Teac - Servcie manuals, schematics and repair guides

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DIRECT DRIVE 2-motor FULL AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PL-53cI s . sT Additional (PL-530X/S) Joruicolknual The power supply assembly for the PL-530/S.ST and the PL-530X have been changed to PWR-826. The following table shows the units which use the new power supply assembly. S e r i aN o . l PL.530/5 PL-530/ST PL-530X/S 1 8 5 0 1- 13301 1 4 5 0 1- Q)ploNEER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM : EFS} () A s > >3 l@ ' lo a l lrJ l5c C) CJ =ti -'l (8)Yr,t'84 YZa uL Its s* !-r, F; U) = 8v'oocnose , - l, + Z rnJ zl cc0'0 U <' A it ( F U J C) l:-:1 6 .^cr -o 3> ,l o< < rc) 2_ z cr (5 6 cci '0'! ct (D = D L._ .\ q, att J < f D X8 6F? tr55 aHa 2 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ir.l I == s s 8 = e3eQ () F-< F A r-l aohH !/ / v r_t__ L.lJ (./) = I A 3 vrooc nosc (J e/, (8)vLt tF (J t-tl = tnl I le zl c00'0 Yzl6tz! y6lsrrg E o_ (r) :(r. (/) -J (lJ u) = N (D - I O Lr-l uJ otf, +h (-) y 0z c'lt 0 t / cc 6 l 11 o o- - Y rl lJl l-c Z trj I dg -{ ( \ x c-r cr) (7, < V' q e(D oo .U, c\r d \4 | rau N (7) <7) r (/, (-l l@ D t*--#izt 55? -) !o D FHi 3 2 PL..sSCl/Elr EiT POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY(PWR.826} SEMICONDUCTORS Syrrrbol DGcription Transi3tor Transistor lhn No. 250234 2SC372-Y or 2SC945-P PCX-010 CAPACITORS Symbol Da.cription CEramic Coramic Ceramic Eloctrolytic Electrolytic Ceramh 0.033 0.033 0.033 330 100 0.01 250V 25OV 250V 35V 25V 50V P!.t No. o1 a2 c1 c4 D1 B.idge rectili6rs Zener diode wz-192 or RDl8E c6 PCL{04 PCLqX PCL-OO4 cEA 331P35 cEA 10rP 25 CKDYF r03Z 50 OTHERS RESISTORS Slmbol R1 R2 Do.cription Meralox ide film Carbon 1Ok 3.3k zl,t Pan No

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