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OPERATING/SERVICE MANUAL FPL 44 QUICK START In deference to the ecological movement, Rane has made a commitment to keep its manuals short and to the point. After all, we're in the electronics business, not the tree industry. In deference to your patience, we include this hurry-up section. Inputs on the FPL 44 are 1/4" TRS balanced/unbalanced. Outputs are balanced 3-pin (XLR). Positive appears on the tip of the input and pin 2 on the output; negative is the ring of the input and pin 3 on the output. Signal ground is either sleeve or pin 1. Front panel settings include four THRESHOLD controls, four BYPASS switches and four SLAVE switches. The THRESHOLD controls set the level at which output limiting occurs. BYPASS directly connects the input to the output. The AUTO-SLAVE switch connects the VCA in the channel to the "slave" bus. In this position all channels in AUTO-SLAVE limit by the same amount when any one channel exceeds its threshold level. The channels may be. set at different thresholds to suit the requirements of each situation. If one channel is overdriven by, say, 10 dB, its gain and the gain of all others in the slave mode reduces by the same 10 dB. NEVER CONNECT A NYTHING EXCEPT AN APPROVED RANE AC POWER SUPPLY TO THE THING THAT LOOKS LIKE A RED TELEPHONE JACK ON THE REAR OF THE FPL 44. This is an AC power input and requires special attention if you do not have a power supply EXACTLY like the one originally supplied with your unit. A Rane Model FRS 8 or RAP 10 power supply is acceptable as well. Please see the full explanation of power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual. SYSTEM CONNECTION When connecting the FPL 44 to other components of a sound system for the first time, LEAVE THE POWER SUPPLY FOR LAST. This allows for any mistakes to be identified by visual inspection and corrected before power is applied and it becomes too late. INPUTS on the FPL 44 are balanced. The hardware provided for input connectors are 1/4" tipring-sleeve jacks. The tip of the jack is the positive input, the ring is the negative input and the sleeve is signal ground. Unbalanced inputs may either ground the ring or leave it open while driving the tip with the unbalanced signal. The FPL 44's input circuitry is of the instrumentation variety, eliminating concern over open negative inputs, while ensuring equal differential and common-mode impedances. OUTPUTS. The outputs on this device are balanced as well. They differ from the inputs only by way of their hardware implementation. The Flex philosophy dictates using 1/4" connectors for signal flow inside of a rack. Lines likely to exit a rack are of the 3-pin variety. If you read the "Quick Start" section above, you already know that pin 2 of the output connectors is positive, pin 3 is negative and pin 1 is signal ground. POWERING UP. In the opening paragraph it was stated that a good visual inspection often eliminates disasters before applying power. It cannot be overstated how important it is to use t
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