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File name fvl22man remote VCA limiter.pdf

OPERATING / SERVICE MANUAL QUICK START Welcome to the section for all too busy to actually read the manual. We provide this quick start as a service to our best customers (the ones who buy the product.) Let's get started... There are two ways to connect audio to the FVL 22, #6 terminal strips or Patch I/O points. To use the terminals, attach the balanced lines to the "+", "­", and SHIELD GROUND terminals. To run the FVL 22 unbalanced, attach the positive lead to the "+" terminal and leave the "­" terminal open. To use the FVL 22 as an external level control/limiter for a mixer or other device with tip = send, ring = return insert points, simple use the PATCH I/O ¼" TRS jack. Note: PATCH I/O is an unbalanced signal. Use two conductor cable with shield. Install your remote control device (5k to 100k linear taper potentiometer, voltage ramp, or switch) and run two or three wires to the FVL 22. If you are using an external voltage, run one wire per Channel to the V1 terminal for Channel 1, V2 for Channel 2, and a ground wire to COMMON GND. To use the provided 10VDC reference, connect a second wire from VREFl or VREF2 to your pot or switch. Refer to the wiring diagrams on the back page of this manual. The VCA's in the FVL 22 provide maximum attenuation of the signal level when a given voltage is detected between Vl or V2 and COMMON GND. Reducing this voltage with a pot, ramp, or switch increases the audio signal level. (0 volts or open = VCA full on.) To calibrate: set the remote pot, ramp or switch to it's maximum voltage. Adjust the VOLTAGE CALIBRATION control until the green CAL indicator is lit. Rotate the LIMITER threshold control to the level you never wish to exceed at the output. The AUTO-SLAVE switch position locks the limiter control circuitry for stereo applications, limiting both Channels equally when either Channel goes into limit. Upon completion of the setup procedures, use the supplied hole plugs to prevent unauthorized adjustments. Never connect anything except an approved Rane AC Power supply to the thing that looks like a red telephone jack on the rear of the FVL 22. This is an AC power input and requires special attention if you do not have a power supply exactly like the one originally packed with your unit. Rane models FRS 8, RAP 10 or VC 18 power supplies are acceptable as well. Please see the full explanation of power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual. FVL 22 REMOTE VCA / LIMITER SYSTEM CONNECTION When connecting the FVL 22 to other components for the first time, leave the power supply for last. This allows for mistakes to be identified by visual inspection and corrected before power is applied and it becomes too late. INPUTS and OUTPUTS on the FVL 22 are connected via terminal strips or the PATCH I/O jack. Using the terminals, attach the balanced lines to the "+", "­", and SHIELD GROUND terminals. To run the FVL 22 unbalanced, attach the positive lead to the "+" terminal and leave the "­" terminal open. To use th
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