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File name Carvin-B1500 amp.pdf

-15VDC thru 0.22µF/63v C5 EFFECTS S3.A S3.B 25V FET R88 6.8K + Q19 C67 R95 10K R77 C38 15K C30 22µF D505 + H1A.3 H1A.2 R1 365K C50 1µF Q18 + 1K n/u R89 10K R90 150K C58 22µF R126 22K* C52 R106 1µF Q12 C12 ++ R127 22K* R131 150K C68 .022µF R14 365K R97 + C53 1µF 15K* C49 R124 6.8K* R31 1M H6.A H6.B INPUT H5.B H5.C J11 R109 10K C47 22µF D4 + input H5.A +15VDC 4 5 10K R91 R94 ­ 10K R8 H6.D + R121 365K C51 n/u 25V FET R27 2.2K* R28 1M AGND 22µF 1K 1µF C54 R123 1K R122 DRIVE cw P12 B100K R5 Q13 R132 1µF 39pF* R116 6.8K +15VDC C16 + 15K* R10 10K 100K R99 R25 100K D.I.PRE R6 470K* C3 22K* thru 0.22µF/63v C1 1M R3 10K D1 YEL +15VDC R72 6.8K D2 INPUT CLIP RED R24 470 passive/active R68 R38 S1.A S1.B 4.7K* 470K R40 MASTER C39a C33a C20a R52 10K C26 22µF R58 10K Q17 Q16 Q10 R26 22K 10K 39pF C36 ­ AGND 100 R67 10K R80 39pF C29 R71 10K 10K H11B.I BAL GND 10K H11A.I R136 C25 39pF 1 A5.A + R12 10K 0.001µF C39 R75 4.7K cw P18 B50K 560pF C35a R87 4.7K C38a R60 4.7K 0.0022µF C33 R74 cw P17 B50K 0.0022µF C31a 0.047µF R86 4.7K R61 4.7K cw P14 B50K C23a R64 C23 1M R18 47K C31 R65 4.7K C32 C32a 4.7K R62 2.2K R41 3.3K .01µF C20 R43 cw B50K P16 3.3K C63a R42 10K C63 thru C22a C19 22µF R33 4.7K cw B50K P13 C24a C24 R46 47K 1M R19 C22 0.1µF R53 33K R57 33K + .047µF R55 47K D33 R117 1M C27 C28 .01 R118 1M R56 47K MID 0 . 0 0 4 7 µ F 47K R9 1M C6 .01 5 A5.B + 7 +15VDC H11A.C H11B.C +15REAR R114 C55 39pF C34 + 22µF 100K R21 3 2 C17 22µF D.I. PRE-POST 100K TREBLE HI MID EFF - EFF + 0.022µF R76 4.7K C35 cw B50K P15 C18a R83 47K ­ A2.A 1 + + R47 MUTE4.7K P11 B50K cw MASTER VOLUME C43 39pF 2 3 ­ LOW MID 0.0022µF C15 39pF BASS 0.01µF C37 39pF SUB BASS C40 39pF 1M R20 2 ­ R79 C18 47K ­ R152 4.7 +15VDC +15VDC H10.A H10.B GND -15VDC H10.C H10.D -15VDC AGND R153 4.7 1M R115 5 A2.B 7 + 1M R119 6 ­ A1.A + 1 10K 6 5 H2A.F Clip 1 H2A.E clip protect 10K D11 Red R108 C56 39pF 1M R15 6 0.047µF R92 C46 5 A3.B 7 + 3 A3.A 1 + 25V FET + + + C57 22µF C59 22µF C61 22µF AGND Changes from Assembly Rev(?). 1. xx. 4. ADDED AS SECONDARY OPERATION. 2. ALL CAPACITORS IN MICORFARADS, EXCEPT AS NOTED. 1. ALL RESISTORS IN OHMS NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 12340 World Trade Drive San Diego, CA 92128 (858) 487-1600 FAX 487-6629 TOOLING HOLES STD7 R500 R504 D501 D502 C520 D503 D506 D504 SMB H7.A YEL H7.G YEL H7.D GRN H7.E GRN H7.F GRN H7.H YEL H7.B YEL H7.I RED H7.C RED R138 R102 R104 10K C100 +15VAMP 120pF 8 2 H2B.E R500 DIODE SMT 1A 68K C176 +15VAMP 100 R146 100 R222 120pF R142 100 smt 1/4w R105 R139 4.7K 1K 100 R223 Q107 1K smt 1/4w R330 68K Q122 Q124 Q222 Q207 Q109 Q123 Q106 C93 120pF R189 R188 R190 R250 R261 R288 DATE: GEORGE DREYER APPROVED: DATE: 19DEC01 1000µF/25V Z500 Z501 Z502 10KµF 100V 10KµF 63V C508T C508B + + 10KµF 100V 10KµF 63V C509B C509T H2B.F 2.2K R100 + + R199 150k R133 2.2K R134 68K 5 6 TIP31 + A17.B ­ 7 R137 1K R290 R179 100K R163 R183 R185 R2

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