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Crest X series supply free download

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File name:Crest-XSeries pwrsupply.pdf
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File name Crest-XSeries pwrsupply.pdf

X8SWPS-D.SCH-1 - Thu Jun 05 12:24:37 2003 All measurments are to chassis ground except... P = NOT chassis ground , use pin 1 of U1 which is the same point as the P's in the triangles in this schematic All measurements are in DC volts unless marked by------> AC The use of ( ) denotes a 230v line source. 19 15.9 17 (204) P 103 P 383 P 19 -48 (-99) -8 P (-101) -51 -19 2 P 7 P 12.3 -48 (-97) 12 (5.2) P 0.8 P (78) AC 52 AC 26 (56) P 18 P 1.1 5.1 9.3 AC 2.2 AC 38.3 58 AC (53) AC 62.6 64 58 57.6 11 AC (19) AC 11 AC (19) AC 18 (39) 58.7 49.7 51 50.7 12 59.3 51 P# 74000002 74000002 74000002 81060005 81060005 81060005 24000246 24000214 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 14000009 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300003 16300008 73500006 79500025 79500025 12000016 12000016 12000016 12000016 12000034 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 73500036 70000052 73500171 73500171 73500171 73500171 73500171 79500023 12000006 12000006 12000006 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000024 12000005 Location JP1 JP2 R90 R1 R2 R69 J8 J9 C11 C18 C20 C22 C30 C37 C38 C45 C47 C48 C49 C63 C55 C56 C57 C59 C67 C68 C85 C86 C87 C10 R72 R91 R92 C39 C40 C44 C60 C15 R14 R25 R52 R53 R64 R70 R71 R81 R93 R98 BR1 R29 R30 R100 R101 R102 R24 C66 C76 C80 C12 C19 C21 C31 C32 C58 C72 C73 C77 C78 C79 C81 C74 Value 0R 0R 0R 0R051/4/WW/NI 0R051/4/WW/NI 0R051/4/WW/NI 10-84-4030 10-84-4040 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/100/KTRJ 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100N/50/CZAM 100P/100/CNAJ 100R0 100R/10V 100R/10V 100U/25/ELRM 100U/25/ELRM 100U/25/ELRM 100U/25/ELRM 100U/50/ELRM 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10K0 10PH60 10R0 10R0 10R0 10R0 10R0 10R/10/NI 10U/100/ELRM 10U/100/ELRM 10U/100/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/35/ELRM 10U/50/ELRM Description RESISTOR 0 1/4W RESISTOR 0 1/4W RESISTOR 0 1/4W RESISTOR .051 OHMS 4W NON-IND5% RESISTOR .051 OHMS 4W NON-IND5% RESISTOR .051 OHMS 4W NON-IND5% CONNECTOR,POWER 3PIN CONNECTOR, PIN - 4 PIN MALEHEADER CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS CAPACITOR POLYESTER .1UF/100V.3 LS 0.1/50V 20% AXIAL CER CAP-Z5U 0.1/50V 20% AXIAL CER CAP-Z5U 0.1/50V 20% AXIAL CE

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