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File name Crown-D60 pwramp.pdf

. _ -. 2 1.2 SPECIFICATIONS 1.2.1 STEREO SPECIFICATIONS Output Power 28 watts per channel minimum RMS (both channels o p e r ating) into an 8 ohm load over a bandwidth of 20Hz-20KHz at a rated RMS sum total harmonic distortion of 0.05% of the fun-' damental output voltage. Frequency Response ±0. 1dB 20Hz-20KHz at 1 watt into 8 ohms; . ±1.2d bB 5Hz-100KH z at 1 watt into 8 ohms. 1 l Rower 35 watts RMS into 8 ohms, per channel, both channels operating, 0.1% total harmonic distortion. *Les s than 0.001% from 20Hz-400Hz , and increasing linearly to 0.05% at 20KHz at 28 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms. Less than 0.05% from 0.01 watts to 0.25 watts, and less than 0.01% from 0.25 watts to 28 watts into 8 ohms per channel. 6 volts per microsecond (slewing rate is the maximum valueofthefirstderivativeofthe output signal, or the maximum slope of the output signal). Greater than 400, DC 400Hz into 8 ohms. Less than 15 milliohms in series with less than 3 microhenries. Rated for 8 ohm usage; safely drives any load including completely reactive loads, 20. 6±2% or 26.3 ±.0.2 dbB maximum gain. at 0.75 volts ± 2% for 28 watts in to o8 ohms. Unbalanced, dual channel. Harmoni cd Distortion I.M. Distortion (60Hz-7KH z 4:l) Slewing Rate Damping Factor Output Impedance Load Impedance Voltage Gain Input Sensitivtty Output Signal PARTS LIST, D-60 Page 2 Schematic Designation R115, R215 R116, R216 R117, R217 R119, R 2 1 9 R125, R225 R120, R220 R127, R227 R121, R221 R122, R 2 2 2 R123, R223 R126, R226 R132, R232 *R135, R 2 3 5 Description 4.7K ohm ½ watt 10% 18K ohm ¼ watt 10% Crown Part # 1640 2633 2873 3299 Other Information 180 ohm ¼ watt 10% 5.6 ohm ½ watt 5% 120 ohm ½ watt 5% Film 100 ohms ½ watt 10% 2.2K ohm ½ 1 750 ohm 3.3K w a t t 1 0 % 3837 1007 2629 W h e n IC u749 is used, must be connected from pins 1 to 7 and 7 to 13 on IC W h e n IC u739 is used and instability occurs, resistor must be connected from pins 1 to 7 and 7 to 13 on IC *R135, R 2 3 5 10K ohm ¼ watt 10% 2631 R5 R13 4102, Q202 Q104, QlO5, Q106, Q114, Q204 Q205 Q206 Q214 1.5K ohm 1 watt 10% 3497 Transistors PN4250A 2N3859A selected 3786 2961 4107, Q207 Q108, Q208 QlO9, Q 2 0 9 QllO, Q 2 1 0 Q112, Q212 2N4125 selected M PSA06 M PSA56 2N6175 3625 3528 3954 3501 Diodes DlOl, D 2 0 1 D102, 0202 D106. D 2 0 6 D103, D203 D104, 0204 D105, D205 D7, D8 1N4148 3181 1 N270 1 N4003 lN961B, 1OV z e n e r 3447 2851 3549 . Schematic Designation PARTS LIST, D-60 Page 5 Crown Part # Other Information Description 3" foam tape 1152 2019 4039 4071 2176 1823 3163 1889 3502 1678 2500 3492 1056 2857 3494 3291 4152 4246 4251 4252 3776 1152 3775 3834 4076 4075 4193 3891 4085 1904 41166 9590-s 2018 1751 Mounts Tl to front panel Mount on bottom back edge of FP channel Mounts outputs Mounts outputs Mounts outputs Mounts outputs Mounts outputs Mounts outputs 6-32 captive nut Anodized TO-3 insulator TO-3 insulator 6-32 x ½ BHP screw #6 internal star washer #6 solder lug 6-32 hex nut Fee

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