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COMPRESSOR LIMITER USER MANUAL Manual page 1 Geachte klant, Wij danken u hartelijk voor uw keuze en het vertrouwen dat u in ons produkt stelt. U deed een goede keus, dit produkt is ontworpen door en voor professionele gebruikers. Er is gebruik gemaakt van onze enorme "know how" in mengtafel en signaal processor technieken en dit gekombineerd met hoogwaardige komponenten geeft u de zekerheid van een lange gebruiksduur. Bovenstaande eigenschappen resulteren in een zeer betrouwbaar en bedrijfszeker eindprodukt. Deze gebruiksaanwijzing helpt u in het optimaal benutten van alle mogelijkheden die dit produkt in zich heeft. Wij excuseren ons voor het feit dat deze gebruiksaanwijzing uitsluitend in het engels verkrijgbaar is. Dit is een gevolg van het feit dat 99% van onze produkten geexporteerd worden en het engels de algemeen aanvaarde internationale voertaal is. Mocht u nog vragen hebben dan kunt u zich altijd tot onze dealers wenden. Dear client, Thank you for choosing this product. This product is designed by specialists in the field of professional audio and is intended to be used as a professional tool. We are confident that you will be using this product for many years to come, and wish you much success. We always value suggestions from our clients, and we would therefore be grateful if you could complete and return the questionnaire included at the back of this manual, once you have become familiar with this product. We will certainly learn from your comments, and very much appreciate your time doing this. D&R ELECTRONICA WEESP B.V. Rijnkade 15B 1382 GS WEESP-HOLLAND The Netherlands Phone: 0294-418 014 Fax: 0294-416 987 Website: E-mail: [email protected] With kind regards, Duco de Rijk President Manual page 2 1. System description. The D&R Stereo Compressor/Limiter is designed to deal with excessive dynamics in music and speech. Its wide input Threshold range and Ratio's make it possible to control any incoming signal from as low as -40dBu up to +20dBu . To manipulate the behavior of the control signal the "time constants" controls, called Attack and Release, can change the response time of the control signal. A "Make-Up" gain controls restores the lost gain when compressing the input signal. A gain reduction meter shows the amount of gain reduction and behavior of the control signal in terms of attack and release. The ON switch cancels the control voltage to the VCA when in the "up" position. The VCA will stay in the signal path, even when the compressor is not active. The gain will be unity at that time. The back panel of the unit has four 1/4" jack sockets, two unbalanced inputs and two ground compensated outputs. The Stereo Compressor/Limiter has a combined control chain which is fed by both inputs at the same time. Mono use of the unit is possible by using only one channel. It is not possible to use the unit as two individual compressor/limiters. 2. Voltage selection Before plugging your D&R into the mains be sure that yo

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