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Diamond 3004 free download

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File name:Diamond-3004 pwramp.pdf
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File name Diamond-3004 pwramp.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 A A PREAMP D53004 Preamp CH12REVD.sch 12 D53004 Output12REVD.sch SUPPLY D53004 SupplyREVD.sch B B PREAMP D56004 Preamp Board RevC.sch 34 D53004 Output34REVD.sch C C D TITLE D Cannot open file DATTITLE.WMF D5300.4 AMPLIFIER MAIN BOARD ASSY. THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DIAMOND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY, INC. ANY REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY DIAMOND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY, INC. 1 2 3 SIZE NEXT ASSY USEDON APPLICATION 4 B DRAWING NO. 5300.4 11:56:43AM 5 REV DRAWN SHEET D D.FOX 1 of 6 DATE FILE 8/21/2003 C:\DON\D5\3004\REVD\D53004 MainREVD.sch 3030PennsylvaniaAve. Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 R120 B+ F1 R106 1.00K +1 A REMOTE1 1 NO INSERT 5 R102 270 SWB+ R101 270 4 C E U15 4N36 6 D2 1N4749A R122 1.00K D4 MUR-160 D3 SEC2 A A K B 1 2 SEC1 1 30A R114 1.00K R113 1.00K Q14 MPSA06 10uF/25V 1.00K C54 Q16 MPSA56 Q13 10uF/25V C53 R107 1.00K R121 100K MUR-160 C57 0.047uF Poly (NOT STUFFED) 1 CGND R110 -1 TIP41 R103 100 C65 Q21 MPSA06 10uF/25V R131 1.00K C62 .01uF R130 1.00K R92 THERMISTOR B R97 R118 2.21K 4.82K R98 2.21K R105 33K C58 0.1uF Poly C51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R100 10.0 C60 100uF/25V C52 NOT STUFFED C R115 100 R116 NO INSERT 5 4 C E U13 4N36 R96 100K 6 Q32 MPSA56 A K 1 2 R93 2.21K R143 1.0K OC 8 U14 1IN+ 1INFEEDBACK DTC CT RT GND C1 TL494N R124 1.00K VCC HEAT SINK MNT 2IN+ 2INREF OUT CTRL VCC C2 E2 E1 R135 R134 R137 R140 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 6 1 5 1 4 1 10uF/25V C64 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 9 R119 10.0 R123 1.00K C61 .01uF R129 10.0 R132 270 10.0 R141 Q22 MPSA56 Q29 Q27 Q25 Q23 Q17 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 L1 B+ C72 2200uF/25V C71 3300uF/25V C70 3300uF/25V INDUCTOR 8T 3WIRE T1 TRANSFORMER 5/10 1 8 SEC1 D5 VCC B 1000uF/50V C74 1000uF/50V C76 100/1W R128 C69 0.1uF/Z5U 0.1uF/Z5U CONNECT POWER AND SIGNAL GROUNDS VEE FEN16DT FEP16DT 1000uF/50V C66 1000uF/50V C67 2 3 7 6 1000pF Poly C63 C73 1000uF/50V C75 R99 8200pF Poly 2.21K Q18 MPSA06 4 5 SEC2 D6 R138 R136 R139 R133 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 R126 10.0 Q20 Q24 Q26 Q28 Q30 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 Comment: IRF1405 R104 1.00K C55 0.1uF Poly VCC 10.0 R125 270 R127 Q19 MPSA56 R144 68/1W R145 2.21K 100uF/63V C77 2 Q31 TIP41 C E B 1000uF/50V C68 3 C +15 B 1 100uF/25V 1N4744A D8 R117 R94 1.00K D1 1N4003 6 SWB+ R95 1.00K 1 2 1.00K C78 CHASSIS GND POWER GND C56 47uF/25V 100uF/63V 10uF/25V 100uF/25V 100K C E 5 4 -15 R108 100K C59 10uF/25V R112 2.21K Q15 J109 VEE MUTE R109 100K -15 R146 68/1W R147 2.21K 2 1 R142 C E Q33 TIP42 3 1.21K -15 B A K U12 4N36 D B C32 R111 10uF/35V C84 1N4744A C81 C79 C85 1uF/25V D7 LED D9 10uF/35V 10uF/25V C80 C31 TITLE D Cannot open file DATTITLE.WMF D5300.4 AMPLIFIER MAIN BOARD ASSY. SIZE NEXT ASSY USEDON APPLICATION DATE FILE THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMAT

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