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Diamond 6002 free download

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File name Diamond-6002 pwramp.pdf

1 2 3 4 D5 AMPLIFIER PARTS SPECS. ALL ¼ Watt Resistors 2% metal film ALL 1 Watt Resistors 5% metal oxide 5 6 A 0.1 OHM 2 WATT Resistors shall be wire wound All other 2 Watt Resistors are metal oxide ALL CAPICATORS above 470 uF shall be LOW E.S.R. 105 degrees. 3300 uF Caps. Are snap in type POLY CAPS are Dipped or Boxed mylar 100 volt A D5600.2 AMPLIFIER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION 2SC5200 AND 2SA1493 are TOSHIBA TL494 is TEXAS INSTRUMENTS DG405 is SILICONX L1 and T1 as per DIAMOND AUDIO drawing D56002 Supply RevC D56002 Supply RevC.SCH MUTE D56002 Preamp RevC D56002 Preamp RevC.SCH MUTE CH1PWRIN CH2PWRIN D56002 Amp RevC D56002 Amp RevC.SCH CH1PWRIN CH2PWRIN POWER and SPEAKER pins as per drawing NOTES: 1. Power Ground and Signal Ground MUST are SINGLE POINT GROUNDED at the STORAGE CAPACITORS. 2. PCB copper thickness shall be a minimum of 2 Ounce/in**2. 3. Minmum Pad/Via size is 0.050" Diameter. B B OC TAIL OC TAIL 4. Minimum hole size is 0.025" Diameter. 5. Minimum Signal Trace width is 0.015". 6. Minimum Power Trace width is 0.250" (for Output and +/- Rails) 7. Mounting pads for 0.100" center through hole components, 1/4W Resistors, and small Capacitors shall be a Minimum of 0.075"X0.075" (prefered pad is 0.075" X 0.100" OVAL or larger id space permits). 8. All PCBs and Schematics to be in PROTEL 99SE format ONLY. ( 9. Heat sink all TO-220 or larger ICs unless mounting is called out as Free Air. 10. PCB and Schematic Libraries are to be supplied as part of the deliverables. 11. Sikscreen shall be WHITE non-conductive with a minimum Text size of 0.040" Height. CONTACTS: C UPDATES: 1. CORRECTED WIRING OF THE STEREO/MONO SWITCH SW3. Mark Busier (480) 813-6200 [email protected] J Schwitalla (310) 582-1121 X17 (310) 600-3841 Mobile [email protected] C D TITLE D Cannot open file DATTITLE.wmf D5600.2 AMPLIFIER MAIN BOARD ASSY. THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DIAMOND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY, INC. ANY REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY DIAMOND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY, INC. 1 2 3 SIZE NEXT ASSY USEDON APPLICATION 4 B DRAWING NO. 400-6723 11:28:31AM 5 REV DRAWN SHEET C Schwitalla 1 of 4 DATE FILE 8/21/2003 C:\DON\D5\6002\REVC\D56002 Project RevC.sch 3030PennsylvaniaAve. Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 F1 B+FUSED J7 + J6 REM J8 30A R35 F2 30A R33 1.00K 10uF/50V C64 R34 1 CGND 1.00K 1.00K 1 B+ D11 MUR-140 R36 Q25 MPSA56 SWB+ VERT MNT FREE AIR R165 220 R166 220 R37 1.00K Q45 TIP41C R118 100 R7 100K R39 1.00K U11 4N36 C77 100uF/25V R38 100uF/63V 10uF/50V R200 75.0 R201 75.0 PRI2 SEC4 R120 100 GND N I 7905T T1 R196 0 OHM R183 R182 150 R184 R151 10.0 10.0 Q26 MPSA56 R177 10 B+FUSED 10uF/50V C67 R195 0 OHM R181 10.0 R194 0 OHM R180 R178 R179 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 TRANSFORMER 5/5/18 12 SEC3 SEC1 1 11 8 C81 D26 1000uF/50V C95 1000uF/50V C97 1000uF/50V C99 1000uF/50V C9 1000pF Poly 0.1uF/Z5U D27 FEP16DT C86 C84 C57 D12 MU

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