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File name Gemini-PDM16 mix.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL PDM-16 Stereo Preamp Mixer CONTENT'S: Connections & Operations:...Page 2-5 Specifications:...Page 5 Parts Lists:...Page 5-7 PCBs:...Page 8-10 Schematics:...Page 11 Gemini Sound Products Corp. 120 Clover Place P.O. Box 6928 Edison, NJ 08818-6928 732-738-9003 (Phone) · 732-738-9006 (Fax) Page 1 8 22 1 21 28 2 30 11 13 15 23 29 9 3 20 20 20 20 31 Page 2 12 14 16 18 19 32 24 33 4 10 5 6 34 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 27 35 7 17 53 52 Page 3 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 45 45 46 46 48 48 49 49 51 36 44 47 50 Connections 1. Before plugging in the power cord, make sure that the VOLTAGE SELECTOR (36) switch is set to the correct voltage. NOTE: NOTE This product is double insulated and not intended to be grounded. 2. Make sure that the POWER (29) switch is in the off position. The POWER LED (30) will be off. 3. The PDM-16 is supplied with 3 sets of amp output jacks. The MAIN OUTPUT (37) jacks are unbalanced and used to connect to your main amplifier. The REC OUTPUT (39) jacks can be used to connect the mixer to the record input of your recorder enabling you to record your mix. The BOOTH OUTPUT (38) jacks allow you to hook up an additional amplifier. 4. The MIC 1 (1) input (found on the front panel) accepts a 1/4" or XLR connector. The MIC 2 (51) input (found on the rear panel) accepts 1/4" connectors. All accept balanced and unbalanced microphones. 5. On the rear panel are 3 stereo PHONO/LINE (43, 46, 49) inputs and 5 stereo LINE (40, 41, 42, 45, 48) inputs. The PHONO/LINE SWITCH (44) enables you to set the (43) input to Phono or Line. The PHONO/ LINE SWITCH (47) enables you to set the (46) input to Phono or Line. The PHONO/LINE SWITCH (50) enables you to set the (49) input to Phono or Line. The phono inputs will accept only turntables with a magnetic cartridge. A GROUND SCREW (52) for you to ground your turntables is located on the rear panel. The stereo line inputs will accept any line level input such as a CD player, a cassette player, etc. 6. Headphones can be plugged into the front panel mounted HEADPHONE (35) jack. 7. The PDM-16 comes with a front panel BNC LIGHT (28) jack. This jack is for use with a gooseneck light like the Gemini GNL-700. 4. CHANNEL 3: Switch # (13) allows you to select the PHONO 3/LINE 5 (43) or the LINE 6 (42) input. The CHANNEL SLIDE (14) controls the input level of this channel. 5. CHANNEL 4: Switch # (15) allows you to select the LINE 7 (41) or the LINE 8 (40) input. The CHANNEL SLIDE (16) controls the input level of this channel. 6. CROSSFADER SECTION: The CROSSFADER (18) allows the mixing of one source into a

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