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Gemini X1, 2, 3 & 4 free download

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Descr:power amplifier
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File name Gemini-X1_2_3_4 pwramp.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL X1 / X2 / X3 / X4 PROFESSIONAL AMPLIFIERS Diagrams... Features, Operating Instructions... Specifications... Troubleshooting... Parts List... Schematics... Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 20 Page 1 X1 / X2 / X3 17 X4 Page 2 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on purchasing a Gemini Power Amplifier. This state of the art power arnplifier includes the latest features and is backed by a three year limited warranty. Prior to use, we suggest that you carefully read all the instructions. Rear panel Input Section: 1/4" Phone lnput Jacks (1, 2): accept a balanced as well as an unbalanced line level signal. The unbalanced line uses a standard tip-sleeve connection. The tip is positive and the sleeve is negative or ground. The balanced line uses a tip-ring-sleeve connection. Tip is hot or positive (+), ring is cold or negative (-), and sleeve is shield or ground. Operation Mode Switch (3): switch is used to set the unit for Stereo mode, Parallel Mono mode or Mono Bridge mode. FEATURES · State of the art bi-polar output stage technology for the finest sound quality and reliability · High output power to drive professional loudspeakers without clipping · Comprehensive protection circuity (Short Circuit, DC, Thermal Cut-off, Sub/Ultrasonic Frequency Filters, Turn-on Delay, Main Fuse, Secondary DC Fuses) · Three modes of operation - stereo, parallel mono and mono bridge · Active 1/4" Jack balanced/unbalanced inputs · Ground lift switch for flexibility in installations · Signal LEDs and Clip LEDs for better control on X1, X2, X3 amplifers · Large VU-meters and Clip LEDs for better control on X4 amplifier · Efficient dual aluminum extrusion heatsink design with directly mounted output transistors for no-fault operation · Efficient air guide with front-to-rear airflow for thermal stability and reliability · Compact 2U well balanced enclosure (3U for X4 model) · Steel reinforced chassis construction for durability and longevity AC Power Section: Fuse (8): replace fuse with those of proper type and rating. Ground Lift Switch (4) is used to lift the ground from the chassis, see the Ground Lift Switch Instructions for more detail. AC Inlet (16) is used to attach the power cord to the unit. AC line voltage switch (17) allows reconfiguring amplifier for either 110-120V or 220-240V AC lines. Output Section: Disconnect unit from the AC power source before making any connections. Pay close attention to polarity (shown on the back of the unit) when connecting your speakers. Connecting your speaker systems using the wrong polarity will not damage your speakers, but will impact the quality of the sound (lack of bass and incorrect stereo image). Speaker Outputs (5,6,7): the speaker output connectors are 3-way binding posts th

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