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Now downloading free:InterM CM55, 75, 105, 155 & 205

InterM CM55, 75, 105, 155 & 205 free download

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File name InterM-CM55_75_105_155_205 pwramp.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL P O W E R AMPLIFIER CM-5.5/7.5/10.5/15.5/20.5 MADE IN KOREA NO: 9017030100 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1. CM-7.5 / 10.5 / 15.5 / 20.5 IDLE CURRENT A. Setting Set the master volume control minimum. B. Connection R158 R159 VR101 R140 R141 VOLT METER AMP B'D(4005185800) C. Adjustment Adjust VR101 so that the current through the R158 and R140 become 10, 35, 45 milliampere. When that voltage is; 6~12 millivolt, the current becomes 10 milliampere (CM-7.5, CM-10.5) 30~40 millivolt, the current becomes 35 milliampere (CM-15.5) 40~50 millivolt, the current becomes 45 milliampere (CM-20.5) 2. CM-5.5 IDLE CURRENT A. Setting Set the master volume control minimum. B. Connection CONTENTS Electrical Adjustment Procedure Specifications Electrical Parts List Top and Bottom View of P.C. Board Wiring Diagram Block Diagram Schematic Diagram Exploded View of Cabinet & Chassis / Mechanical Parts List Ass'y Drawing 1 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20 21 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34, 35 VR101(VR201) R158(R258) R159(R259) R140(R240) R141(R241) VOLT METER AMP B'D(4005187700) C. Adjustment Adjust VR101 for CH1 so that the current through the R158 and R140 become 10 milliampere. Adjust VR201 for CH2 so that the current through the R258 and R240 become 10 milliampere. When that voltage is 6~12 millivolt, the current becomes 10 milliampere. 1 SPECIFICATIONS CM-5.5 Power Output Level f=1kHz, THD+N0.05% (Typical) STEREO RL=8 RL=4 BRIDGED RL=8 One Channel Driven f=1kHz THD+N0.05% RL=8 Frequency Response RL=8, P.=1W Power Bandwidth Half Power, THD+N0.1% STEREO RL=8 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+N) f=20Hz~20kHz, Half Power STEREO RL=8 RL=4 BRIDGED RL=8 Channel Separation Half Power RL=8, f=1kHz, ATT. max. Input 600 shunt Residual Noise (DIN Audio Filter) Signal-to-Noise Ratio DIN Audio, Input 600 Shunt Damping Factor RL=8, f=1kHz Slew Rate 8 Full Swing STEREO BRIDGED CM-7.5 CM-10.5 CM-15.5 CM-20.5 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST Ref No. Part No. Description Value Ref No. R120 R146-148 R164-166 R220 R246-248 R264-266 R170-171 R270-271 R134-136 R152-154 R234-236 R252-254 VR101 VR201 C103 C105 C203 C205 C101 C201 C106-109 C206-209 C121 C221 CR102 CR115-116 CR201 CR215-216 CR113 CR213 CR123 CR223 CR104 CR204 CR110 CR210 C118-119 C218-219 C111-112 C117 C120 C211-212 C217 C220 C114 C214 AN101 AN201 AN102 AN202 AN406 CN202 CN101 CN201 CN102 CN105 Part No. 3089101275 Description RES NFR 100 1/4W J R PHILKO Value FR 100 CM5.5 AMP B'D (4005187700) 175W+175W 270W+270W 550W 175W 230W+230W 360W+360W 720W 230W 340W+340W 510W+510W 1050W 340W 10Hz~40kHz 510W+510W 800W+800W 1600W 510W 700W+700W 1100W+1100W 2100W 700W Q106 Q206 Q103 Q137 Q203 Q237 Q105 Q205 Q107 Q207 Q127 Q227 Q102 Q111 Q202 Q211 Q131-133 Q231-233 Q101 Q104 Q108 Q201 Q204 Q208 Q121-123 Q221-223 Q110 Q210 Q109 Q209 D125-126 D225-226 D101 D105-106 D134 D201 D205-206 D234 D103-104 1N 4148 D107-114 D119-120 D123 D203-204 D207-214 D219-220 D223

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