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InterM DM606 free download

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File name InterM-DM606 mixer.pdf

MIXER S T E R E O D I S C O DM-606 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (DM-606) MAIN B'D (99060402) Ref No. Value Qty MAKER Remark U4-15 U17-18 2068L 14 Á¦ÀÌ¾Ë U16 4556L 1 Á¦ÀÌ¾Ë J201 H20980060S 1 ´ë¸¢ÀüÚ C46 C49 C51 C59-60 22P 19 »ïÇÑÆÄÃ÷ C65-66 C96 C105 C109 C118 C123 C132 C147 C149 C152 C157 C168 C171 C97 C104 C110 C117 M562 6 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C124 C131 C68-69 C99 C112-113 M682 10 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C100 C126-127 C78-79 C107 C119-122 C108 M154 12 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C106 C133-134 C93-95 C98 C77 C101 C125 M103 8 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C116 C111 C130 C67 C85 C76 M224 2 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C172-173 M102 2 ´ë±¤ÀüÚ C45 C50 C57-58 10/25 24 »ï¿µÀüÚ C63-64 C70 C86-92 C137-142 C144-145 C162-163 C83 C73-74 C82 100/25 4 »ï¿µÀüÚ C48 C47 C61-62 C52 47/25 29 »ï¿µÀüÚ C102-103 C114-115 C128-129 C53-55 C146 C148 C151 C153-154 C156 C158-159 C56 C169-170 C176-177 C180 C182 C80 C71 0.47/50 2 »ï¿µÀüÚ C160-161 220/25 2 »ï¿µÀüÚ C81 C72 C164-165 1/50 10 »ï¿µÀüÚ C84 C136 C143 C75 C184 C186 C167 C166 470/16 2 »ï¿µÀüÚ C178-179 C174-175 2.2/50 5 »ï¿µÀüÚ C188 C135 C183 C185 C181 4.7/25 5 »ï¿µÀüÚ C187 C155 C150 22/25 2 »ï¿µÀüÚ CON4 1 D3-6 1N4148 4 ¸ðÅä·Î¶ó D7 IN 5240 1 ¸ðÅä·Î¶ó JA55-56 LB1412 2 »ê¿ä J1 CXLF-07 1 º§Åæ LED1-6 LED20-22 KLR124 12 ÄÉÀ̾ LED32-34 LED13-17 LED7-9 KLG124 18 ÄÉÀ̾ LED23-29 LED10-12 LED31 LED18-19 KLY124 4 ÄÉÀ̾ LED30 U4 U6-7 U10-12 2068L 6 Á¦ÀÌ¾Ë R68 R74 R216-221 5.1K 24 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R223-224 R226-227 R229-234 R236 R238 R243 R246 R248 R251 R92 R205-206 33K 8 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R212-213 R85-86 R91 R100 R102 R115 R117 47K 6 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R258 R261 R106 R120-121 R105 330 4 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R110 R125 R202-203 1.8K 6 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R209-210 R116 R101 R81 10K 3 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R119 R108 R123 R114 5.1M 6 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R99 R104 R111 R126 820K 2 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R127 R149 R151 R171 3.6K 1% 6 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R175 R195 R133 R135 R142 R144 30K 1% 18 Á¶¾çÀüÚ R147 R154 R157 R159 R164 R166 R169 R130 R178 R181 R183 R188 R190 R193 R129 R152-153 R170 1

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