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InterM H4200 free download

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File name:InterM-H4200 pwramp.pdf
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AMPLIFIER P O W E R H-4200 REQUIRED TEST EQUIPMENT 1. Oscilloscope 2. 1kHz audio sine wave generator 3. Digital multimeter 4. 2-ohm resistive load (rated for at least 1200W) ¡á IDLE CURRENT(H-3200/4200) 1. Setting set the master volume controls minimum 2. Connection 3. Adjustment While measuring the DC voltage across resistor R217 or R2 18 adjust VR 100 and VR 100, range as shown below. Model DC voltage range Adjust Channel 1 : DC voltage across R217(3¥Ø/2W) or R218(3¥Ø/2W), adjust VR100 H-3200/420 80mV¡- 120mV Channel 2 : DC voltage across R217(3¥Ø/2W) or R218(3¥Ø/2W), adjust VR100 Current 120V H-3200 230V 120V H-4200 230V 0dB=0.775 Vrms, Half Power=1/2 Power Output Level (Rated Power) ¡Ø This specification and performance might change without a prior notice depending on the company's situations. H-3200 H-4200 Power Output Level STEREO 1kHz both channels driven R L=8§Ù @ 0.1% THD 800W 1000W R L=4§Ù @ 0.1% THD 1200W 1600W R L=2§Ù @ 0.1% THD (1ch driven) 1600W 2100W BRIDGED RL=8§Ù 1kHz @ 0.1% THD 2400W 3000W R L=4§Ù 1kHz @ 0.5% THD 3200W 4200W Frequency Response RL=8§Ù, P=1W 20Hz~20kHz : ¡¾0/1dB, -3dB : 5Hz~70kHz Total Harmonic Distortion(THD+N) f=20Hz~20kHz, 1/10Power STEREO RL=8§Ù & 4§Ù ¡Â 0.03% BRIDGED RL=8§Ù ¡Â 0.03% Channel Separation Half Power R L=8§Ù, ¡Ã 80dB f=1kHz, ATT. max. Input 600§Ù shunt Residual Noise (DIN Audio Filter) ¡Â -85dB: ATT min. Signal-to-Noise Ratio(DIN Audio Filter) ¡Ã 107dB Input 600§Ù Shunt Standard Input Sensitivity (Rated Power into 4 1V 1V §Ù 1kHz) Damping Factor R L=8§Ù, f=1kHz ¡Ã 450 Voltage Gain (ATT max.) 4§Ù 1kHz

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