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InterM PA2312 free download

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File name:InterM-PA2312 pwramp.pdf
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AMPLIFIER D U A L C H A N N E L P O W E R PA-2312 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (PA-2312) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty INPUT B'D (4005186500) C33 C333 3539104531-A CAP CE Y 100000PF 50V Z AXIAL 0.1/50 2 C01-02 C32 C301-302 3509102231-A CAP CE YB 1000PF 50V K AXIAL 1000P 6 C332 C12 C15 C312 C315 3509101231-A CAP CE B 100PF 50V K AXIAL 100P 4 C05 C16 C305 C316 3509221231-A CAP CE B 220PF 50V K AXIAL 220P 4 C30 C330 3529220311-A CAP CE SL 22PF 50V J AXIAL 22P 2 AN101 4355772110 CON ASS'Y 7P 210MM,AN101 ASS'Y 7P 1 AN102 4355772011 CON ASS'Y 7P 230MM,AN102 ASS'Y 7P 1 C06 C31 C306 C331 3409210971-T CAP AF RSG 1UF 50V 5 P 1/50 4 C03-04 C11 C13-14 C17 3409210071-T CAP AF RSG 10UF 50V 5 P 10/50 12 C303-304 C311 C313-314 C317 C34 C334 3409222141-T CAP AF RSG 220UF 25V J 8 P 220/25 2 JKO1 JKO3 4438193810 XLR JACK(F) 3P(E203A0040N) XLR JACK 2 JKO2 JKO4 4408194310 XLR JACK (M) E503A0150N XLR-3-M 2 VRO1-2 3228070100 VR RK16311E0Z0113B 10KB 2 C120 C320 3609103120-T CAP MA 0.01UF 100V 0.01/100(M) 2 C121-122 C321-322 3609823120-T CAP MA 0.082UF 100V J 0.082/100 4 IC101 IC301 2118010332 IC NJM 5532DD JRC NJM 5532DD 2 R26 R326 3039100575-T RES MO 10 2W JR 10 2W 2 R5-7 R11 R18 R38-39 3009103973 RES CF 10K 1/5W J N 10K 12 R305-307 R311 R318 R36 R336 3039151575-T RES MO 150 2W J RADIAL 150 2W 2 R35 R335 3009154973 RES CF 150K 1/5W J N 150K 2 R33 R333 3009222973 RES CF 2.2K 1/5W J N 2.2K 2 R34 R334 3009271973 RES CF 270 1/5W J N 270 2 R13-14 R313-314 3009473973 RES CF 47K 1/5W J N 47K 4 R1-2 R12 R15 R32 3009562973 RES CF 5.6K 1/5W J N 5.6K 10 R301-302 R312 R315 R332 R37 R337 3009560973 RES CF 56 1/5W J N 56 2 R31 R331 3009682973 RES CF 6.8K 1/5W J N 6.8K 2 R16 R316 3009681973 RES CF 680 1/5W J N 680 2 R3-4 R303-304 3009822973 RES CF 8.2K 1/5W J N 8.2K 4 SWO1-3 4625995910 SW SLIDE SSSU022NA011 SLIDE SW 3 Q4 Q304 2028407118 KTC2238A-Y-U 2SC 2238Y 2 Q1 Q301 2008606104-T TR NPN KTC3198-Y-AT TO-92 KTC 3198Y 2 Q3 Q2 Q302-303

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