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InterM LM9414 free download

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File name:InterM-LM9414 line mixer.pdf
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Descr:line mixer
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File name InterM-LM9414 line mixer.pdf

MIXER 4 B U S M I C / L I N E LM-9414 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (LM-9414) MAIN (4003498100B) Reference ITEM NO VALUE QTY CR504 CR508 CR512 3509104530-T CAP CE F 0.1UF 50V Z 0.1/50 15 CR516 CR520 CR524 CR527 CR531 CR534 CR537 CR540 CR555 CR215-217 CR501 CR505 CR509 3509101231-A CAP CE B 100PF 50V K AXIAL 100P 11 CR513 CR517 CR521 CR543-544 CR558 CR201-202 CR556 3529150111-A CAP CE CH 15PF 50V J AXIAL 15P 1 CR503 CR507 CR511 3529220311-A CAP CE SL 22PF 50V J AXIAL 22P 10 CR515 CR519 CR523 CR526 CR530 CR213-214 CR532 CR535 CR538 3529330311-A CAP CE SL 33PF 50V J AXIAL 33P 4 CR541 CR557 3529470311-A CAP CE SL 47PF 50V J AXIAL 47P 1 CR514 CR533 CR536 3529050311-A CAP CE SL 5P 50V C AXIAL 5P 16 CR539 CR542 CR203-204 206,209 502,506,510,518,522 525,529 CN912.801B 517,519 4428595006 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-06P 6P MOLEX 4 CN301,214A,201 4428595003 CON WAFER A2505WV2-03P 3P 3 CN906-B 4428595004 CON WAFER A2505WV2-04P WAFER 4P MOLEX 1 CN01C ,O5 , 516 4428595002 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-02P WAFER 3 CN802 4428595012 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-12P 2.5MM-12P 1 C501 C505 C581 3409210071-T CAP AF RSG 10UF 50V 5 P 10/50 8 210,513,509,517,521 C525 C527-528 3409210171-T CAP AF RSG 100UF 50V 8 P 100/25 19 C561-572 C574-575 C578 , 531 C516 3409222071-T CAP AF RSG 22UF 50V 5 P 22/50 1 C216 3409233971-T CAP AF RSG 3.3UF 50V 5 P E3.3/50 1 C503-504 C507-508 3409247041-T CAP AF RSG 47UF 25V 5 P 47/25 44 C511-512 C515 C519-520 C523-524 C529 C532-536 C538-540 C542-545 C547-549 C560 C573 C579-580 202-205 207-209 212-215 , 217 576-577 IC507-512 2118010332 IC NJM 5532DD JRC 5532 6 IC501-506 IC513 2118010590 IC NJM4558D JRC 4558D 7 202-204 R90 3009122973 RES CF 1.2K 1/5W J N 1.2K 1 R550 R553 R556 R562 3009103973 RES CF 10K 1/5W J N 10K 17 R565 R568 R574 R577 R580 R586 R589 R592 R876 R882 R47 R256 R257 R210 R873 3009113973 RES CF 11K 1/5W J N 11K 1 R504 R509 R514 R519 3009133973 RES CF 13K 1/5W J N 13K 6 R524 R529 R535 R543 R551 R563 3009153973 RES CF 15K 1/5W J N 15K 6 R575 R587 R503 R508 R513 R518 3009183973 RES CF 18K 1/5W J N 18K 16 R523 R528 R534 R542 R249-255 R505 R510 R515 R520 3009203973 RES CF 20K 1/5W J N

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