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InterM RMX1426 free download

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File name InterM-RMX1426 mixer.pdf

MIXER 4 P G M A U D I O RMX-1426 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (RMX-1426) Reference ITEM NO Description Value Qty MONO INPUT B'D (4003490100) C134-137 3509103530-T CAP CE F 0.01UF 50V Z 0.01 4 C138 3539103521-A CAP CE YF 10000PF 25V Z AXIAL 10000P 1 C106-107 C112-113 3509101231-A CAP CE B 100PF 50V K AXIAL 100P 6 C118 C129 C114 C116 3509221231-A CAP CE B 220PF 50V K AXIAL 220P 2 C125 3529220311-A CAP CE SL 22PF 50V J AXIAL 22P 1 C104-105 3509271231-A CAP CE B 270PF 50V K AXIAL 270P 2 C117 C119 C124 C127 3529470311-A CAP CE SL 47PF 50V J AXIAL 47P 5 C130 AN102 4355796901 CONNECTOR ASS'Y 6P 6P¡ê 6P 1 CON101 4428592820 WAFER BOX 20P TPHAB03-1419-20A WAFER BOX 20P 1 D101-103 2058304100 DIODE IN4148M 1N 4148 3 C115 3409210221-T CAP AF RSG 1000UF 6.3V 10 P 1000/6.3 1 C133 3409222971-T CAP AF RSG 2.2UF 50V 5 P 2.2/50 1 C110-111 C120 C126 3409222071-T CAP AF RSG 22UF 50V 5 P 22/50 6 C128 C131 C101-103 3409247081-T CAP AF SG 47UF 63V 8 P 47/63 3 VR101 3228072610 VR 09HBF25 RD203-20KRD 20KRD 1 LD101 2300030105 LED LTL-1CHE-021A LITEON AMBER(SLR34URF) 1 C123 3609102120-T CAP MA 0.001UF 100V 0.001M 1 C121-122 3609393120-T CAP MA 0.039UF 100V J 0.039M 2 C132 3609473120-T CAP MA 0.047UF 100V 0.047M 1 IC101-102 2118010432 IC NJM2068DD JRC NJM 2068DD 2 SW101 4628992410 SW PUSH SPUN19X1M011 SPUN19X1M011 1 SW102 4628986110 SW PUSH SPUN60X1C021 SPUN60X1C021 1 R157 3009182973 RES CF 1.8K 1/5W J N 1.8K 1 R124 R133 R137 3009101973 RES CF 100 1/5W J N 100 3 R109-110 R113-114 3009100973 RES CF 10 1/5W J N 10 4 R149-150 3089100275 RES NFR 10 1/4W J R PHILKO FR 10 2 R125 R127 R131-132 3009103973 RES CF 10K 1/5W J N 10K 6 R135 R148 R103-104 R152 3009153973 RES CF 15K 1/5W J N 15K 3 R156 3009184973 RES CF 180K 1/5W J N 180K 1 R138-147 3009183973 RES CF 18K 1/5W J N 18K 10 R155 3009105973 RES CF 1M 1/5W J N

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