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InterM PA920 & 935 free download

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File name InterM-PA920_935 amp.pdf

AMPLIFIER PA-920/935 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (PA-920/935) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty MAIN(4003119000) CR141-142 3509472530-T CAP CE F 0.0047UF 50V Z 0.0047 2 CR101-102 CR108-109 3539102231-A CAP CE YP 1000PF 50V K AXIAL 1000P 6 CR115-116 CR126 CR135 CR145 3509101231-A CAP CE B 100PF 50V K AXIAL 100P 3 CR105 3509121231-A CAP CE B 120PF 50V K AXIAL 120P 1 CR112 CR119 3529150311-A CAP CE SL 15PF 50V J AXIAL 15P 2 CR402 3529330311-A CAP CE SL 33PF 50V J AXIAL 33P 1 CR132 3529470311-A CAP CE SL 47PF 50V J AXIAL 47P 1 CR123 3529560311-A CAP CE SL 56PF 50V J AXIAL 56P 1 CON108 4428596603 LOCK WAFER LW-1143-03P 1 CON107 4355931310 CON ASS'Y 3P PA-920 1 CON101-106 4355931105 CON ASS'Y 9P PA-920 6 D103 2058100996 DIODE RECTIFIER LT1N4006(4007) 1N 4006 1 D101-102 D104-106 2058304100 DIODE IN4148M 1N4148 9 D401-404 C136 3409222871-T CAP AF RSG 0.22UF 50V 5 P 0.22/50 1 C401 3409233871-T CAP AF RSG 0.33UF 50V 5 P 0.33/50 1 C143-144 C163 3409247871-T CAP AF RSG 0.47UF 50V 5 P 0.47/50 3 C122 C128 C147 3409210971-T CAP AF RSG 1UF 50V 5 P 1/50 3 C103-104 C106 3409210071-T CAP AF RSG 10UF 50V 5 P 10/50 11 C110-111 C113 C117-118 C120 C158 C164 C107 C114 C121 C124 3409210141-T CAP AF RSG 100UF 25V 6 P 100/25 15 C127 C134 C146 C151 C154-155 C159 C161-162 C146-1 C161-1 C404 3409210171-T CAP AF RSG 100UF 50V 8 P 100/50 1 C130 C137 3409222971-T CAP AF RSG 2.2UF 50V 5 P 2.2/50 2 C152-153 3408222261 CAP RSA 2200UF 35V SNAP 18 P 2200/35 2 C165 3409233071-T CAP AF RSG 33UF 50V 6 P 33/50 1 C125 C133 C403 C405 3409247971-T CAP AF RSG 4.7UF 50V 5 P 4.7/50 4 IC102 IC101 2118010590 IC NJM4558D JRC 4558D 4 IC103-104 IC7815 2128610900 IC KA7815 COMMON 7815 1 IC7915 2128610800 IC MC7915 COMMON 7915 1 C129 3609122120-T CAP MA 0.0012UF 100V J 0.0012/100(M) 1 C138 3609182120-T CAP MA 0.0018UF 100V J 0.0018/100(M) 1 C149 3609103120-T CAP MA 0.01UF 100V 0.01/100(M) 1 C101 C123 3609123120-T CAP MA 0.012UF 100V J

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