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Now downloading free:InterM PD9359E

InterM PD9359E free download

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File name:InterM-PD9359E power distributor.pdf
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File name InterM-PD9359E power distributor.pdf

DISTRIBUTOR P O W E R PD-9359E ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (PD-9359E ) Ref. No. Part No. Description VALUE Q'TY Main B'D (4003400900) C7 C14 3549333001 CAP ECQ-J0187W (0.033UF 250V) 0.33/250V 2 C13 C15 C17 C18 C20 3509104530-T CAP CE F 0.1UF 50V Z 0.1/50 10 C21 C45 C46 C47 C48 C10 C11 C12 3609104180 CAP MA 0.1UF 630V(TM) PD-9212 0.1/630 3 C9 3609104120-T CAP MA 0.1UF 100V J 0.1/100(M) 1 C1 3419510378 CAP AF HS 10000UF 50V 30 P LUG 10000/50 1 C8 C22 C52 3409247071-T CAP AF RSG 47UF 50V 6 P 47/50 3 C19 3408247169 CAP AF SG 470UF 35V 470/35 1 CON9 4355923803 CONNECTOR WAFER 03P(J.ST) 3P 1 CON8 4428596602 WAFER LW-1143-02P 2P 1 ACON7 4355923802 WAFER B-2P JST 2P 1 ACON10 BCON5 4355923801 CON WAFER B3P-VH JST(3.96) 3P 2 ACON6 4355923804 CONNECTOR WAFER 04P (J.ST) 4P 1 CON100 4428595004 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-04P 4P 1 ACON11 ACON14 4428595006 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-06P 6P 2 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2058100996 DIODE RECTIFIER LT1N4006(4007) 1N4006 19 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 2058304100 DIODE IN4148M 1N4148 2 IC1 2128611206 IC 7805 G.S 7805 1 APIN6 APIN7 APIN8 4355836310 CON ASS'Y TERMINAL 187 PD-9359 CNT 9 BPIN6 BPIN7 BPIN8 CPIN6 CPIN7 CPIN 8 APIN5 BPIN5 CPIN5 4465998210 TERMINAL(250)PCB TAB PIN 3 TRANS2 2828072700 TRANS SUB(PD-9359) SUB TRANS 1 AC 4355837011 CON ASS'Y 2P 2P 1 GND 4235007210 GND TERMINAL (POWER B'D) GND 1 R12 R16 R17 R18 3009101973 RES CF 100 1/5W J N 100 6 R21 R22 R19 R23 R25 3009562973 RES CF 5.6K 1/5W J N 5.6K 3 R13 R14 R15 3009152973 RES CF 1.5K 1/5W J N 1.5K 3 R20 R24 R26 3009102973 RES CF 1K 1/5W J N 1K 3 R27 R28 R29 R30 3009272973 RES CF 2.7K 1/5W J N 2.7K 4 WR31-32 3039220575-T RES MO 22 2W J RADIAL 22/2W 2 RLY4 RLY5 RLY6 5528009990 RELAY HR 702NH DC24V(16V) HR-702NH D

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