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InterM PS9116 free download

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File name:InterM-PS9116 speaker selector.pdf
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File name InterM-PS9116 speaker selector.pdf

SELECTOR I N D I R E C T S E A K E R PS-9116I ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ( PS - 9116 I ) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty GROUP-1 LED B'D (4005413520) AN3 4428598311 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-11P 11P 1 LED17 LED19 2300050101 LED LTL-307E-012A RED 2 LED1-8 2300052101 LED LTL-307G-012A LITEON GREEN 8 GROUP-2 LED B'D (4005413530) AN4 4428598310 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-10P 10P 1 LED18 2300050101 LED LTL-307E-012A RED 1 LED9-16 2300052101 LED LTL-307G-012A LITEON GREEN 8 GROUP-1 SW B'D (4005413500) GRP1 CH1-8 9 GND 4235007210 GND TERMINAL (POWER B'D) GND 1 R1-8 3039222572-F RES MO 2.2K 2W J N 2.2K 2W 8 R17 R19 3009332973 RES CF 3.3K 1/5W J N 3.3K 2 CON5 4428598311 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-11P 11P 1 CON6 4428598310 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-10P 10P 1 CON4 4428598305 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-5P 5P 1 CON1-2 4428598304 WAFER LW-0640-4P 4P 2 GROUP-2 SW B'D (4005413510) GRP2 CH9-16 9 CON7 4428598310 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-10P 10P 1 CON3 4428598308 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-8P 8P 1 R9-16 3039222572-F RES MO 2.2K 2W J N 2.2K 2W 8 R18 3009332973 RES CF 3.3K 1/5W J N 3.3K 1 AN2 4428598305 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-5P 5P 1 ALL SW B'D (40054135400 ) GRP3 ALL SW 1 AN1 4428598304 WAFER LW-0640-4P 4P 1

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