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Now downloading free:Hafler DH500 power amp

Hafler DH500 power amp free download

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File name Hafler DH-500_amp_man.pdf

_^.,_.. ._.. ,..-I_ THE POWER AMPLI FIER for ASSEMBLY and OPERATION CAUTION: IF THE FUSES BLOW, SOME DISTORTED SOUND CAN BE HEARD. THEREFORE IF AMPLIFIER MALFUNCTIONS, ALWAYS CHECK FOR BLOWN FUSES FIRST. LM153 $3.00 Please refer to this serial number in all communications regarding this equipment. THE DAVID HAFLER COMPANY 5910 Crescent Boulevard, Pennsauken, New Jersey 08109 DH-500 Power Rating: Less than 0.025% total harmonic distortion at any power level up to 255 watts continuous average power per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency between 20 Hz and 20 kHz with both channels driven. IM Distortion (SMPTE): Less than 0.007% from 1 watt to 255 watts into 8 ohms Typical THD at 255 watts into 8 ohms: 1 kHz-0.002%; 10 kHz-0.007% Frequency Response into 8 ohms: -3 dB, 0.5 Hz to 120 kHz at 1 watt kO.5 dB, 5 Hz to 40 kHz at 255 watts Typical Channel Separation at 1 kHz: 60 dB Signal to Noise Ratio: Exceeds 100 dB referred to 255 watts into 8 ohms, unweighted Exceeds 90 dB referred to 1 watt into 8 ohms, A weighting Input Impedance: 47,000 ohms Input Sensitivity: 2.35 volts for 255 watts into 8 ohms; 0.145 volts for 1 watt Damping Factor: 200 to 1 kHz into 8 ohms; 60 to 10 kHz into 8 ohms Rise Time: 10 kHz, 80 volts p/p square wave, 10% to 90%: 2.5 us. Slew Rate: 1 kHz, 120 volts p/p square wave: 45 V/us. Semiconductor Complement: 27 transistors, 12 power Mosfets, 33 diodes, 8 zener diodes, one integrated circuit, one diode bridge. Power Consumption: 240 VA quiescent; 1200 VA @ rated power into 8 ohms, 2 channels Size: 7-l/4" high, 19" wide, 13" deep including handles Net Weight: 45 lbs. Shipping Weight: 49 lbs. CAUTION: For continued protection, replace the power fuse only with the same type and rating as indicated. WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS EQUIPMENT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. 0 Copyright 1987. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION The Hafler DH-500 is a two channel audio power amplifier designed to the very highest performance standards. It is available as a kit, or factory assembled. Its power rating of 255 watts per channel is very conservative, and it can deliver appreciably higher powers into impedances below the rated 8 ohms. You must be very cautious in the application of this amplifier, as its output capability is more than most speakers can safely tolerate. We urge you to read the "Operation" section of this manual so your speakers will be reasonably protected. The best protection is still common sense in choosing program levels which your speakers can tolerate. The DH-500 combines power MOSFET technology with a uniquely simple and effective circuit which reduces all types of distortion at all power outputs, over the entire audio spectrum, to levels where the finest test equipment has great difficulty in measuring it. The DH-500 sets a new high in reliability and resistance to abusive operating conditions at such high powers. This is one of the direct benefits of the power MOSFET' ability to current limi

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