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Sanyo CK29F98C free download

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File name:Sanyo CK29F98C_service manual.part1.rar
[preview CK29F98C]
Size:3072 kB
Model:CK29F98C 🔎
Original:FC5A 🔎
Descr:Sanyo CK29F98C_service manual ( chinese ) + schematic diagram CK29F78C;CK29F88C;CK29F90C;CK29F200C CK25F78C;CK25F90C;CK25F200C CK25D58C;CK25D88C CK21F90C;CK21F200C
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Sanyo CK29F98C_service manual.pdf

CK21F90C FC5A FC4A CK21F90C CK21F200C/F90 CK21F90/F200 20059 CRT BXXAVB356SFJ- CPU QXXAVC635---P IC QLA76818A---M 1.PCB2.3.4.5.AV 6.7.8.;9. 10.VAAV PAL-D/K,I VHFC1 -C12 NTSC4.43-D/K,I(AV) UHFC13-C57 NTSC-D/K,I,M (AV) CATVZ1-Z37 5cm×9cm×2 5W AC176V~242V50HZ/60HZ CK21F90C 596×474×491mm ×2 CK21F200C 596×475×492mm ×2 CK21F90C 24Kg CK21F200C 22Kg 1LB4A10B05400 T431 1LB4L18B0070N SP901 1LB4A10B00200 T471 1LB4L40B06700 A101 1AV4F1BCX0090 Q901 CRT BXXAVB356SFJ A1901 1LB4U20B00500 T611 1LB4L51B0770N IC001 IC QLA42051-E--M IC202 IC QL78M05CV---N X161 WFSTSF6376U-- IC201 IC QLA76818A---M IC501 IC QLA78040----N JXPRA IC801 CPU QXXAVC635---P JXPSA IC802 QM24C16-BN6-N 1AA2CAM0452-- Q431 T2SC3332-R--C 1AA2CBM0335A- Q432 TXXGA0127522M 1LG6K2C0067-A Q613 T2SK3102-F--N 1LG6P4P0225-- T2SC2621- / Q721 T2SC2688- PS601 DHXAAEV0070-- VA601 DVENE621D14AN PCB -3- CK21F90C SP901 AV IC802 IC201 A101 IC001 IC501 CPU IC801 Q721 Q432 PS601 T611 Q611 T471 -4- CK25D58C FC5A FC4A CK25D58C CK25D88C CK25D58/CK25D88 20059 CRT BXXAVB308SFJ- CPU QXXAVC635---P IC QLA76818A---M 1.PCB2.3.4.5.AV 10.AVAV PAL-D/K,I VHF

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