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File name ATC221_sf_convergence.pdf

Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit ATC221 TW19 FP251ATC221 FP221 ATC221 RP12 ATC221 BK11,10 Convergence Convergence Convergence Convergence Symptom no video, no convergence, Convergence power supply dead. found TW19 open (on the convergence amp board) . Cycles, Convergence power supply is not operational, found FP251 and FP221 open (off LL008 flyback). (The convergence power had been replaced ) Convergence power supply dead. Found RP12 open Convergence adjustment is missing in the customers menu. On connector BK11 (Clock & Data) pin one wasn't soldered. solution replace TW19 Replace FP221 & FP251 Replace RP12 Resolder BK11
File name ATC221_sf_horizontal.pdf

Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit ATC221 ATC221 anode lead FL231 Picture Tube Horizontal Symptom Replaced the flyback. Has an arcing and tearing in the video, can hear a popping noise, Pulled the anode lead from the crt and found a brownish powder looks like rust and the lead is green like it is corroded. Unit has audio and video comes up very slowly. Vertical is down from the top and up from the bottom but not bowed. Found FL231 open (40 vdc for vertical circuit). solution Rplaced the anode cap and cleaned the anode of the crt Replace FL231 ATC221 Splitter High Voltage Shutdown, Power light cycles 4-6 second intervals. Disconnected HV splitter lead And set would come up with sound and High Voltage. Replace HV Splitter
File name ATC221_sf_POWERSUPPLY.pdf

Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Symptom Shutdown,Reg b+ checked 105 vdc and when video would start to come up the set would shutdown. Found leakage between RP183 and JP242 ( checked 13 k ohms between them). Cleaned board and set came up and worked properly Standby reg, IPO20 not running, it was open solution Clean board around RP183 and JP242 replaced IP020 ATC221 RP183 ATC221 IP020 Power Supply Power Supply ATC221 BR004 Power Supply ATC221 DP230 Power Supply Replaced the Small Signal Board and now it shuts down Could unplug BR005 and it would work it goes from the small signal board to the little board supplying the Plug BR004 into DVD.BR004 was plugged into BR007 on the small signal board. right place Dead set. INF POW FAIL line is positive .7v. DP230 was the at fault. 70vpp in standby and 65vpp in run. Dead set. The -1.5v supply was +.7 in the fault condition turning on TR62 and keeping the set off. Replace DP230
File name ATC221_sf_SYSTEMCONTROL.pdf

Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit ATC221 CR187 Symptom solution Error code 78, it was not the DVD or the front panel. He found a shorted cap on the Small Signal Board . It was on the DVD on line pin 6 of BR005. It should be 5 vdc but it was low, System Control found CR187 leaky it checked 30 ohms. Replace CR187 Remote not working after unit sets over night. Unit will turn on at the FPA and then the remote works OK untill it is turned off and left to sit for around a minute, then the remote will not work again untill you turn it on at the FPA. Found RP613 not in the set. installed System Control the resistor in the unit and it works properly now. ATC221 RP613 installed missing RP613 ATC221 SK100 Error code 19, found BR001 low , unplugged BR001 and the voltage came back to 1.7 Replaced volts, BR001 pin 2 goes to the power button. Chassis detect is on pin 134 of IR001, if pin SK100 power System Control 134 held low when the unit is plugged in to AC the systems control cannot detect button
File name ATC221_sf_video.pdf

Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit Symptom The green vertical line is too wide, replaced the crt 2 times and the kine drive board. Tech found that the svm coil had to have the wires coming out of the coil had to be turned up towards the crt not down towards the drive board. Set would cycle, Servicer found that by disconnecting connector # BB203 the set would start and run. With the connector plugged pin 1 (240 V supply line) measured a low resistance to ground. IB201 green kine driver loading the supply solution Reinstalled the svm coil on the crt neck ATC221 svm coil Video ATC221 IB201 Picture Tube ATC221 anode lead Picture Tube ATC221 cable Video Replace IB201 Replace the anode cap and cleaned the Replaced the flyback. Has an arcing and tearing in the video, can hear a popping noise, Pulled the anode lead from the crt and found a brownish powder looks like rust and the lead anode of the is green like it is corroded. crt Replace cable from BX01 No red coming from the DVD player. Found the cable to be bad from BX01 SSB to BX03 SSB to BX03 DVD Player DVD Player
File name ATC221_Shutdown_Circuits.pdf

VERTICAL TO E8 RED BIAS <21-B> TP50 TO E7 GRN BIAS E5003 E5007 RED OUTPUT 194V FOREWORD This publication is intended to aid the technician in servicing the ATC221 television chassis. Directed at the safety circuitry, it will explain the theory of operation of those circuits highlighting new and different technologies associated with this digitally controlled chassis. It is designed to assist the technician to become more familiar with the safety circuit operation, increase confidence and improve overall efficiency in servicing the product. Note: This publication is intended to be used only as a training aid. It is not meant to replace service data. Thomson Service Data for these instruments contains specific information about parts, safety and alignment procedures and must be consulted before performing any service. The information in this manual is as accurate as possible at the time of publication. Circuit designs and drawings are subject to change without notice. SAFETY INFORMATION CAUTION Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data. All product safety requirements must be complied with prior to returning the instrument to the consumer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. All integrated circuits, all surface mounted devices, and many other semiconductors are electrostatically sensitive and therefore require special handling techniques. First Edition 0431 - First Printing Copyright 2004 Thomson, Inc. Trademark(s)® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Printed in U.S.A. Prepared by Thomson, Inc. Technical Training Department PO Box 1976 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 U.S.A. ATC221 Safety Shutdown 2 ATC221 Shutdown Circuits This training material assumes a knowledge of the current Thomson television chassis ATC221. The material has been prepared using general values of components. Components and other circuitry may change over time so in all cases Electronic Service Data for the instrument should be consulted for the most accurate component values and voltages. Typical Thomson nomenclature for component ID and references to ground and supply voltages will be used throughout. To designate individual pin assignments of an IC and active components the following formats are used. IR001-115 designates IC IR001, pin 115. TR198-B designates the Base of transistor TR198. Power supply labels will be used whenever possible. S for standby operation and R for run. Normal operating voltages and signal designations will be used. For example: SAFETY ENABLE would stand for a signal that under normal run conditions would be a logic HIGH, in most cases near +5V. SAFETY ENABLE would signify a signal whose normal operating level is LOW, in most cases near ground. ATC221 Safety Shutdown 3 AUDIO Shutdown/Safety Block Outline BEAM CURRENT IV200 VID PROC PS LOSS 4 EHTIN RUN:<+3V XRP XRP: >+3.8V RP
File name ATC311_Dig_Align04m.pdf

Understanding Digital Convergence and Geometry ATC311 / 221 and ITC222 Chassis Contents Understanding Convergence / Geometry Alignment ... 4 ATC311 ... 4 ATC221 and ITC222 ... 4 Alignment Overview (ATC311)... 5 Key Points of Manual Alignment ... 5 Going Through the Geometry Process ... 5 Convergence... 7 ATC221 Alignment Overview ... 8 Alignment After Green CRT Replacement ... 10 Red or Blue CRT Replacement ... 11 Understanding Convergence / Geometry Alignment Convergence and geometry alignments in the digital chassis work together in producing the best possible picture from a projection TV. In the past there was room for error and the picture would be ok. Today, convergence and geometry work closely together and if one is off it can mean a poor converged picture or auto-convergence not working. In order to do the convergence alignments one needs to fully understand geometry, convergence and the different display modes (2H and 2.14H). To start off with the display modes are the frequency at which horizontal is operating. For example 2H is twice the NTSC horizontal frequency of 15.750kHz or 31.5kHz and 2.14H is 15.750kHz times 2.14 or 33.7kHz. In addition to the 2H and 2.14H display modes there are signal modes 480i, 480p 1080i, 540p, and 720p. The p and i stand for the type of scanning, progressive or interlace. ATC311 The ATC311 will receive 480i, 540p, 720p, and 1080i but will only display 480p and 1080i, hence the 2H (480p) and the 2.14H (1080i) modes. This means that the ATC311 needs to convert the other signals to on of these two scan modes. The conversion processes is done in the DM2 module so that the 480i will be up-converted to 480p display and the 720p is converted to 1080i. There are three ways of providing signals to the chassis: 1. Component (YPrPb) 2. Digital (DVI) 3. NTSC inputs When using the component YPrPb input, the signal can be NTSC (1H), 2H, or 2.14H. The DM2 detects the horizontal frequency of the incoming signal and determines which one of two paths the signal will take. It will either be converted or processed directly for display. The only signal processed directly for display is the 1080i all others are sent to the DM2 for conversion. ATC221 and ITC222 Through out this publication the ATC221 will be discussed and related to both the ATC221 and ITC222 chassis. The ITC222 will be used only when there is a difference from the ATC221. The ACT221 and ITC222 are HDTV monitors and use the same signals as the ATC311 for their align
File name TFC-03119_ATC221_Dead_set.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-03119 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: 12/9/2003 Chassis: SYMPTOM: ATC221 Dead set N o te : c o n n e c to r lo c a tio n s c a n b e fo u n d u n d e r th e c r itic a l le a d d r e s s s e c tio n in th e s e r v ic e c d . U n p lu g s e t fo r a t le a s t 6 0 s e c o n d s . P lu g b a c k in a n d p re s s p o w e r b u tto n . TOPIC: Dead set troubleshooting N o te : H o o k u p a n te n n a . 1. 1A . D oes pow er LE D b lin k e r r o r c o d e s ? Y E S C o u n t th e n u m b e r o f b lin k s a n d lo o k u p th e e rro r c o d e . N O 2. D oes set a tte m p t to tu rn o n w hen pow er b u tto n is pushed ? 2A . Y E S G o to s te p 7 . N O G o to p a g e 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 5 THOMSON INC. C o n tin u e d fro m page 1. N o te : c o n n e c to rs o n c o n v e rg e n c e p o w e r s u p p ly b o a rd . G r e e n B V 0 4 ,B V 0 7 Red B V 0 2 ,B V 0 6 B lu e B V 0 3 ,B V 0 8 3. D is c o n n e c t c rt b o a rd s fro m tu b e s . S ta rtin g w ith g r e e n . D is c o n n e c t c o n n e c to r s to c r t b o a r d s 1 a t a tim e . 4. P re s s p o w e r b u tto n . D o e s s e t com e up ? 4A. YES S u s p e c t d e fe c tiv e c r t b o a r d o r c rt. 5. NO C h e c k c o n n e c to r B P 0 0 5 (o n th e d e fle c tio n b o a rd ) fo r 3 .3 v d c o n p in s 2 3 ,2 4 a n d 5 v d c o n p in 2 2 . 6. 6A. A re v o lta g e s c o rre c t ? NO T r o u b le s h o o t s ta n d b y p o w e r s u p p ly . YES 7. D is c o n n e c t a ll c o n n e c to r s to C o n v e rg e n c e s ig n a l b o a r d . G o to p a g e 3 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 5 THOMSON IN
File name TFC-03120_ATC221_Video.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-03120 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: 12/29/2003 Chassis: SYMPTOM: ATC221 NO VIDEO TOPIC: NO VIDEO TROUBLESHOOTING N ote: C onnector locations can be found under the C R IT IC A L LE A D D R E S S section in the service cd. 1. H ook up ant and tune set to active channel. N ote: B V connectors are located on the convergence adaptor/ps board. 2. Is voltage on B V 05 pin 1 0 vdc? 2A . YES C heck the scan loss and abl circuits. NO 3. Is there video at B V 05 pins 3,5,7 ? 3A . NO G o T o P age 4. YES C ontinue to page 2. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 6 THOMSON INC. Continue from page 1. 4. Note: Green BV04,BV07 Red BV02,BV06 Blue BV03,BV08 Disconnect connectors to crt boards one at a time. 5. Do the other tubes light up ? YES 5A. Suspect defective crt board. NO 6. Is there a filament waveform on BV01 pin4 ? NO 6A. Check for filament waveform on pin 3 LL08. YES 7. Is there 12vdc on BV07 pin 2 ? NO 7A. Check convergence power supply. YES Go To page 3. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 6 THOMSON INC. Continued from page 2. 8. Is there 239 vdc at BV01 pin 1 ? 8A Troubleshoot 239 vdc source. NO YES 9. Is the screen voltage on pin 10 crt socket correct ? 9A. NO Check focus screen assembly. YES 10. Is there osd ? NO 10A. Suspect the SSB. YES 11. Check the alignments. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or f
File name TFC-04001_ATC221_Audio.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04001 The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: 1/22/2004 Model(s): ATC221 TOPIC: SYMPTOM: No Audio No audio Note: Connectors are located on the DRI board. Tune set to a active channel.Make sure it is set up for internal speakers in audio menu. 1. Is there audio signal at BT983/ 982 pin 1 ? YES 1A. Make sure ext/int switch is in int position.Check speakers NO 2A. Is there a 22 v p-p audio signal at BT980 pins 1 and 4 ? YES Suspect DRI board. 2. NO Continue to page 2 Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. Continue from page 1 3. Is there +15 vdc at pins 5 and 6 of BA010 and -15 vdc at pins 1 and 2 of BA010 3A. NO Check power supply YES 4. Suspect SSB Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.
File name TFC-04003A_ATC221_Vertical.pdf

THOMSON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Television Troubleshooting Flow Chart TFC-04003A The information contained herein is provided solely to assist qualified Technician in the diagnosis of the problem described. It is not intended as a modification or alteration of the product. REVISION DATE: 1/22/2004 Model(s): ATC221 TOPIC: SYMPTOM: No Vertical No Vertical Is there a 56 p-p signal pin 5 IF001 ? YES Check connections to adaptor board and to yokes. NO Continue to page 2. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 1 of 2 THOMSON INC. C o n tin u e fro m page 1 Is th e re a sig n a l a t IF 0 0 1 p in s 1 a n d 7 ? NO M a ke su re w ire is p lu g g e d in co rre ctly in co n n e cto rs B L 1 1 1 a n d B V 0 0 1 . If th e y a re s u sp e ct S m a ll S ig n a l B o a rd YES C h e ck: IF 0 0 1 P in 2 1 3 V D C P in 4 -1 3 V D C P in 3 4 0 V D C A re th e y c o rre c t ? NO C h e ck sca n p o w e r su p p ly . YES S u sp e c t IF 0 0 1 , D F11. Product Safety Information Product Safety information is contained in the appropriate Thomson Service Data covering models/chassis referenced herein. All specified Product Safety requirements and testing shall be complied with prior to returning equipment to the customer. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and may expose themselves and others to possible injury. First Edition First Printing Copyright 2003 Thomson multimedia Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Page 2 of 2 THOMSON INC.

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