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Model:CL-29K3W 🔎 CL29K3W
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Descr:No. de servicio CL29K3WKX/XAX
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File name Samsung-K57A (N) 1.pdf

Alignment and Adjustments 4-2-2 Main Adjustment Parameter NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OSD SCT SBT BLR BLB RG GG BG VSL VS VA HS SC CD L ST T AKB ND L NSR SCBT VO L CAP MVOL RP00 RP01 AGCS OMD SCL PWL MUS AGC HPAR HBOW EWID F U N CT I ON Su b Co n t ra s t Su b Bri g h t n e s s Bl a c k Le v e l o f fse t R Bl a c k Le v e l o f fse t B R ed Gain G re e n G a i n Bl u e G a i n Ve r t i ca l S lo p e Ve r t i ca l Sh i f t Ve r t i ca l A m p l i tu d e H o r i z o n t a l Sh i f t S- Co r r e c t i o n Ca t h o d e Dri ve Le ve l Su b T i n t AKB On / o ff NT SC De l a y N T SC Su b c o l o r Sc reen Bri ghr tnes s Vo l u m e p re s e t t i n g Caption P os it ion Mel ody Vol um e Rati o Pre / ov ers hoot Rati o Pre / ov ers hoot IF A GC S peed O ffs et IF Dem o dulator Soft Clippi ng L ev el Peak Whi te L i m it tin g Col or Matrix A utom at ic Gai n Cont rol H orizontal Parall elog ram H orizontal Bow EW Width R AN GE 0 ~ 23 0 ~ 23 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 15 0 ~ 7 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 15 0 ~ 23 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 15 0 ~ 50 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 15 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 I N I T I A L D AT A 13 9 32 32 28 25 31 27 31 32 30 29 11 5 0 1 5 36 10 12 7 1 1 1 15 3 15 1 33 32 32 32 SELECTION RE MARK ADJ ADJ ADJ ADJ ADJ FIX ADJ ADJ FIX ADJ ADJ FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX ADJ ADJ ADJ 4-2 Samsung Electronics
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 2.pdf

Alignment and Adjustments NO 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 OSD EPAR EUCN ELCN ETRP VZ SVM VMA SSP PSNS DNSR DSBT DCDL DBLR DBLB DSK F U N CT I ON E W Parabol a E W U pper C oner E W L ow er Coner E W Trapezi um Ver tic al Z oom Del ay of RG B t o VM Outp ut Am plit ude of SV M Out put Sub S har pnes s Identi fic ati on s en s NSR in DV D m ode SBT in DV D m ode CDL in D VD m ode BL R i n DV D m ode BL B i n DV D m ode Dy nam i c S k in Tone Con tro l R AN GE 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 20 0 ~ 1 0 ~ 23 0 ~ 23 0 ~ 16 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 63 0 ~ 1 I N I T I A L D AT A 32 12 12 12 48 0 3 5 1 5 4 10 32 32 0 SELECTION RE MARK ADJ ADJ ADJ ADJ FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX Samsung Electronics 4-3
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 3.pdf

Block Diagram 8. Block Diagram 8-1 K57A SOUND AMP SPEAKER ( TDA7297S 15W2CH ) TUNER VI F SAW SI F SAW SI F S I GNAL S I F - OUT R G B PIF SI GNAL CRT DRI VE (TDA6108JF ) VMC(C2344/ A1011) CRT HV DY HEATER 8 V 5 V 3. 3 V REGUL ATOR I C KA7632 AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING (MSP3425G) H -OUT TR D5703 M a i nTr ans UOC P l u s I C ( TDA 9592) Swit c h i ng I C ( STR KA5Q1265R) VERTIC AL ( L A7845) B r i d ge Di ode KEY CONTROL EEPROM ( X24C08P) S- V i deo Y Pb Pr RMC 33V 200V +16. 5 V / - 14 V R ela y F BT F UH- 29A001B 120V/ 220V Monit or out AV- 2 i nput AV- 1 i nput 8-1
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 4.pdf

Schematic Diagrams 10. Schematic Diagrams 10-1 MAIN(1/3) TP13 TP14 TP15 TP16 TP19 TP21 TP22 TP15 TP17 TP18 TP23 TP16 TP17 TP18 TP13 TP14 TP19 TP21 TP22 TP23 Samsung Electronics 10-1
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 5.pdf

Schematic Diagrams 10-2 MAIN(2/3) TP01 TP02 TP03 TP04 TP05 TP05 TP12 TP06 TP06 TP02 TP07 TP04 TP03 TP08 TP7 TP10 TP01 TP10 TP12 TP08 10-2 Samsung Electronics
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 6.pdf

Schematic Diagrams 10-3 MAIN(3/3) TP24 TP24 Samsung Electronics 10-3
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 7.pdf

Schematic Diagrams 10-4 CRT 10-4 Samsung Electronics
File name Samsung-K57A (N) 8.pdf

Schematic Diagrams 10-4 CRT 10-4 Samsung Electronics
File name Samsung-K57A (N).pdf

Alignment and Adjustments 4. Alignment and Adjustments 4-1 Preadjustment 4-1-1 Factory Mode 4-1-3 When CRT Is Replaced 1. Do not attempt these adjustments in the Video Mode. 2. The Factory Mode adjustments are necessary when either the EEPROM (IC202) or the CRT is replaced. 3. Do not tamper with the "Adjustment" screen of the Factory Mode menu. This screen is intended only for factory use. 4-1-2 When EEPROM (IC202) Is Replaced 1. Make the following adjustments AFTER setting up after setting up purity and convergence : White Balance Sub-Brightness Vertical Center Vertical Size Horizontal Size Fail Safe (This adjustment must be the last step). 2. If the EEPROM or CRT is replaced and set SC as 30(factory mode). 1. When IC202 is replaced all adjustment data revert to initial values. It is necessary to re-program this data. 2. After IC202 is replaced, warm up the TV for 10 seconds. 4-2 Factory/Service Mode 4-2-1 Procedure for the "Adjustment" Mode 1. This mode uses the standard remote control. The Service Mode is activated by entering the following remote-control sequence : (1) DISPLAY FACTORY. (2) STAND-BY MUTE 1 8 2 POWER ON. 2. The "SERVICE (FACTORY)" message will be displayed. The Service Mode has four components: ADJUST, OPTION , G2-ADJUST and RESET. 3. Access the Adjustment Mode by pressing the "VOLUME" keys ( Up or Down). The adjustment parameters are listed in the accompanying table, and selected by pressing the CHANNEL keys ( , ). 4. Selection sequences for the all system: DOWN or UP key: SCT>SBT>BLR>BLB>RG>GG>BG>VSL>VS> VA>HS>SC>CDL>STT>AKB>NDL>NSR> SCBT>VOL>CAP>MVOL>RP00>RP01> AGCS>OMD>SCL>PWL>MUS>AGC> HPAR>HBOW>EWID>EPAR>EUCN>ELCN> ETRP>VZ>SVM>VMA>SSP>PSNS> DNSR>DSBT>DCDL>DBLR>DBLB>DSK 5. The VOLUME keys increase or decrease the adjustment values (stored in the non-volatile memory) when Adjustment Mode is cancelled. 6. Cancel the Adjustment Mode by re-pressing the "FACTORY" or "Power OFF" keys. Samsung Electronics 4-1

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