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Micronta 22-303 free download

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File name:Micronta Digital Logic Probe 22-303.pdf
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Size:689 kB
Model:22-303 🔎 22303
Original:22-303 🔎
Descr:Hand Held Digital Logic Probe from Tandy Corp. circa. 1985, English / French
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Micronta Digital Logic Probe 22-303.pdf

*@ v rN o tl3l m I0l{vl. li0r1vu0d803 l0 l0 l3ulsfl03 lnouvtrt' 22-303 LOGICPROBE DIGITAL P L E A S ER E A D B E F O R EU S I N G T H IS M AC H IN E f- 3 OV S n, l ]NVAV 3Bl'l 3 0 3Ullud snolcol snoruflrnN 3(lNOS eje-zz .TflAt]EtIIABKS ()F TAIIOY CORPOBATIOTI MI CF OI ' \ r T A @ + WHATIS A TOGICPROBE? ThisLogicProbeis on economicql ond useful device for testing logiccircuit. disploys HIGH ond LOW o lt the ond o PULSE with differeni coloredLEDs ond oudible signols vohogetestpointsof o digitolcircuit. lels ol lt you "peekinside" CMOS ond TTL/LS ihe lCs. YOUR CONNECTING TOGICPROBE Your Logic Probe hos been designed to operole from 'l ony power supply from 4.7 to 5 volts. During testing, sttoch the longer clip leods of the Logic Probe to the power supply. Connecl the block leod to the negotive (-) ond red leod to the posilive (t) terminol of the pow er suppl y.The short bl ock ground l eqd should be oitoched to o ground neor lhe point to be testedto ensure exoct performonce of the Logic Probe. N oi e: A di ode i s odded on the negoti vepo wer line for prolection from o reversedpolority. Since there is o potenliol difference (opprox. 0.6V) between the input ground wire ond lhe negotive power leod, meosuremenlis defined to be conducled by using inpvt ground terminol. will deviote if the some power supply Thresholds to for Logic Probe ond the systems be fested is used simulloneously. : Never opply voltoge to lhe Logic Probe. over l5V DC SP EC I F I C AT I ON S Thresholds TTL/LS Vcc):LO : 0.8Vt0.2V {5V Ht -_ 2.2V+0.2V (VccRonge: CMOS/MOS 4.7V to 15V): LO : 30% Vcc Hl - 7O"/"Ycc Inputlmpedonce : 100kohm Min. Detectoble Pulse Width : 5Ons Mox. InputFrequency : lOMHz Pulse,/Normol : Switch Selectoble (Beep) with Light Disploy ond Sound Power SupplyMox. Stond-by Current: lOmA ot 5V 30mA qt l5V Mox. Operoting Current : 2OmAqt 5V 80mA ot l5V Copyrighl 1985 TondyCorporotion Couiion US IN G Y O UR TOGICPROBE your LogicProbeos described Connect obove. 2. Sei fhe devicetype switch CMOS or TTL/LS to depending upon which"fomily"of logic devices you ore going lo lesf. Sel the mode swilchto eitherNORMALor PULSE. mode, LogicProbe indicote In the PULSE the will the logic levelof ihe pulsetroin.In the NORMALmode, the unitwill indicote DC Logicstoie. the Touch exposed the metoltip of your LogicProbeto the TTL/LS circuitpoint to be tested.lf the LOW (green) LEDlights ond the unil mokes low tone o o sound (beep), it indicotes level lower thon the threshold voltogeof obout0.8 volts.lf the lllGH (red) tED lightsond o high tone sound(beep) it , q of indicotes level obove the threshold obout2.2 volts.lf the circuit to be testedis the CMOS/MOS c ircuit: LOW : 30% Vcc \!cc HIGH -- 7O"/o lf there is no LEDlit ond no sound (beep) emitted, voltoges the level is either betweenthe threshold (yellow)LED the circuitis "open". lf the PULSE or o is blinking, indicotes pulsetroinoi the testing it position.) node. (The mode switch is in PULSE '1. 5. To onolyzefhe duty cycleof

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