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Now downloading free:Micronta 22-304A

Micronta 22-304A free download

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File information:
File name:Micronta Digital Logic Pulser 22-304A.pdf
[preview 22-304A]
Size:1226 kB
Model:22-304A 🔎 22304A
Original:22-304A 🔎
Descr:Hand Held Digital Logic Pulser from Tandy Corp. circa. 1986, English / French
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Micronta Digital Logic Pulser 22-304A.pdf

22-3044 + @vr N ou S t t A0t{Vl S)l8Vl{l0VUI' i0 ll0lIVU0d80J CETENnTEUR D'IMPULSIoNS LO G I Q UES NUMER IQU ES P R I E R ED E LIR E A VAN T L 'U SAG E L N 3y ld r nO3 Sr HJ -CN r S n 3 UO l 3 8 0 V 3U 3 SV 3 1 d u3srnd crcot lvl-tctc * O OT MAROUE Ct)MMEflCT TAIItlY C()RPt]flATIOl{ MI CRO \ T T A @* vrjt-zz CONTROIS AND FUNC T I O N S instrumenf LogicPulser o precision is YourMICRONTA@ With the touchof o button, to oid in logic-circuil testing. to o singlepulseor pulsetroin is delivered lhe circuit beingfested. to The LogicPulser worksfrom o wide ronge 14.7 hoso low impedonce, l5 voltsDC)of supply on circuit. ond incorporotes overlood-protection Losic Pulser \\ The Tip Pin delivers single pulse o continuous o or troin of pulses the circuit to beingtested. The Jock odiocent the Tip Pinis for the connection to of the GroundLeod. The Ground Leod is usedwhenyou opplypowerto lhe Pulser from q different source thqn thof of lhe circuit beingtested. The PUSHButton octivoles oulse lhe circuit. The OUTput Indicofor lights wheno pulse being is generoted through Tip Pin. the The OVERLOADIndicotor lights whenthe Pulser is connected o power supplythot is morethon 'l 5V, lo or whenlhe current flowing through TipPinexceeds the morethon 200 mA. The PULSE/CONTinuous Switch mqkes possible it to select the either single continuous pulse or mode. The NegotivePowerLeodwith BlockClip isqttoched (-) to the negoiive terminol the powersuppry. of The Positive Powerleqd with Red Clip is oftoched (+) to the positive terminol the powersupply. of 22-3o4A b.* \ -r=l tN \ ,-//'/ ')o=lZour _ l"';t'.otr,"o" ---\- is lool lo the MICRONTA@ The LogicPulser o componion DigitolLogicProbe, Cot. No. 22-303. With thispoir of tools,you con pulseond monilorvoriouspoinlsin fhe circuilry ond con eosilylocoteo molfunctioning component group of components. or O U T pu t Indr cator ( Gr een) Tip Pin P U S H B un o n In d O V E RL OAD ica to r iRe d ) ( Re d Ctip ) e ULSE/CONTSwr tch I P u r se co Nr Switch I | Positive( +) power Supplv Lead --- --r-- | I J a ck -,,,h :====-=> Grou n d L e a d I ):1"Ji3:;J,,'."". ( BlackCr p, Copyright 1986 TondyCorporolion THE CONNECTING TOGIC PULSER THEPOWER TO SOURCE CAU TIO N : DO N O TCO N N ECT MORE THA NI5V DCA CROS S THEPOWER LEADS THEPULSER. OF THE DO NOT REVERSE POLARITY WHEN THE CONNECTING POWER LEADS THE TO POWER SUPPLY. I . Connect the power leods to o power source of between 4.7Y lo I 5V DC, observing correct polority. Connecl lhe posilive power supply leods (red clip) io o source of posilivevoltoge, ond the negotive power supply leods (blockclip) to o source of negotivevoltoge. lf you connect incorrectly,the OUTput indicotor will nol light when you presslhe PUSH button ond testingwill b e i mpos s ible. lf you connect the Pulserto more thon I 5V, the OVER LO A D indic ot orw i l l l i g h t o n d th e Pu l s e r i l l b e w ino pero liv e.Dis c onnecth e p o w e r l e o d s o n d re c o n nect t them to o proper p

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