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Now downloading free:Fluke 5100B

Fluke 5100B free download

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File information:
Size:10 kB
Model:5100B 🔎
Original:5100B 🔎
Descr:Dumps of Eproms U23, U24 and Prom U18 of Fluke 5100B/5101B calibrator. Parts 661322, 661330 and 722744. Latest software version according to service manual available on Note: fits Fluke 5101B too.
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Eeproms.txt

This folder contains the three programmable components for Fluke5100B/5101B located on A20 board (Processor board). Board used to copy components was one of latest revisions. Hence, it had latest available firmware for fluke 5100B series, as per 5100B Series documentation (reference of parts matches documentation on File: 5101B_U23.bin Location: U23 Part: TMS2764-45 (Texas Instruments) Fluke part #: 661322 Markings on sticker: 5101B-4508 U23 V1.0.7 661322 File: 5101B_U24.bin Location: U24 Part: TMS2764-45 (Texas Instruments) Fluke part #: 661330 Markings on sticker: 5101B-4509 U24 v1.0.7 661330 File: 5101B_TBP34L10.bin Location: U18 Part: TBP34L10-25N (equivalent to DM74S387N) Fluke part #: 722744 (No marking on sticker, just part # printed on IC) Parts copied with an HiLo All-03A universal programmer. Pattern used to copy bipolar prom was a TBP24S10 (functional equivalent to TBP34L10)

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