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Technical Training Manual for TFT-LCD Monitor Visual Display Division Contents w LCD Panel w Inverter. w Term of LCD monitor w Principle of LCD monitor w Summary of LCD monitor w Explanation for each LCD monitor. w Use Manual for DDC and Adjustment Jig w Appendix for schematic of LCD model STRUCTURE of TFT LCD Pixel 1. Polarizing filter : This controls the light entering and leaving. 2. Glass substrate : This stops the filtering of electricity from electrodes 3. Transparent electrodes : These electrodes drive the LCD. A highly transparent material is used that will not interfere with the quality of the image's integrity. 4. Alignment layer : Film is used to align the molecules in a fixed direction. 5. Liquid crystals 6. Spacer : Maintains a uniform space between the glass plates. 7. Color filter : Color is expressed through the use of R, G and B filters. 8. Backlighting : The display is lit from behind to make the screen brighter. In some types of monochrome LCDs, a mirror is used in place of backlighting so the display can be seen with ambient light. STRUCTURE of Structure of TFT LCD TFT LCD Polarizer Micro Color Filter Transparent Glass substrate Common Electrode Alignment Layer Liquid Crystals Alignment Layer Transparent Pixel Electrode Glass substrate Isolating membrane Scanning Line Polarizer Source Semi Conductor Drain Data Line Gate (Data Line) Material Gate (Scanning Line) Drain

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