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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PCB STACK UP LAYER 1 : TOP LAYER 2 : SGND1 A RUN POWER SW PG 36,37 AC/BATT CONNECTOR BATT CHARGER CPU VR PG 34 LAYER 3 : IN1 LAYER 4 : IN2 LAYER 5 : VCC LAYER 6 : IN3 LAYER 7 : SGND2 LAYER 8 : BOT PG 34 Turion64 Sempron 25W/35W AMD Socket S1 638P PG 38 DDRII-SODIMM1 PG 5 DDRII 667mhz DC/DC +3VSUS +5VSUS PG 33 ARES/ARTEMIS Block Diagram SI - PHASE A DDRII-SODIMM2 PG 5 DDRII 667mhz HT Link PG 2,3,4 Option for 17" only Cable Docking B HDMI CON Graphics TV_OUT VGA RJ-45 CIR/Pwr btn SPDIF Out Stereo MIC Headphone Jack USB Port VOL Cntr Mini PCI-E Card (Wireless LAN/WAN) PCI Express Mini Card PCI-E X 1 PCI-Express 16X NVDIA NB8M-64bit Express Card (NEW CARD) PG 12,13,14,15,16,17 PG 18 PG 28 TV_OUT PG 27 SIM CARD nVIDIA MCP67 MCP67D 836PIN CRT_OUT CRT/S-VIDEO B PG 19 LVDS(2 Channel) Panel Connector PG 27 Integraded VGA Function 15" / 17" PG 18 PG 31 CLOCK INTERFACE Option for 17" only USB2.0 Bluetooth PG 28 SATA1 FingrPrint PG 28 SATA - HDD PG 26 USB2.0 I/O Ports PG 26 X3 Camera 1.3MP PG 23 Mini PCI-E Card x1 Express Card x1 Cable Docking x1 PCI BUS / 33MHz SATA0 LAN PATA (66/100/133) HD AUDIO PG 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 C SATA - HDD C PG 26 PATA- CD-ROM PG 26 REALTEK Conexant Two-element microphone RICOH RICOH R5C832 R5C833 VAULE DEFINE TPM SLB9635 PG 28 LPC Venice AMOM CX20549-12 PG 23 RTL8201CL (10/100) RTL8211B (10/100/Gigabit) PG 21 A=0603,B=0805,C=1206,F=1%, OTHER IS 0402 V=Y5V,U=Y5U,R=X5R,S=X6S, X=X7R,G=COG,O=NPO PG 23 Audio Jacks -Phone -SPDIF -MIC PG 23 LAN RJ45 PG 20 IEEE1394 CONN Memory Card Reader D X-Bus EXAMPLE 10R=10ohm(0402) 10A=10ohm(0603) 10B=10ohm(0805) 10C=10ohm(1206) 10/F=10ohm(0402 and 1%) EXAMPLE 0.1U/16V/R=0.1U/16V/X5R(0402) 0.47UA/10V/X=0.47U/10V/X7R(0603) 10UB/10V/U=10U/10V/Y5U(0805) Keyboard Touch Pad CIR ENE KBC PG 29 PG 23 KB3920 Bx KB3926 PG 30,31 AUDIO Amplifier TPA0312 MDC DAA CX20548-S PG 20 PCI ROUTING IDSEL TABLE REQ0# / GNT0# AD21 PG 21 PG 22 PG 25 PG 24 INTERUPT INTA#,INTB# DEVICE RICOH832 D Capacitive Sense SW PG 29 FAN PG 31 Jack to Speaker PG 25 MODEM RJ 11 PG 20 SPI ROM PG 30 Size Custom NB5/RD2/HW1 PROJECT : AT1 DN: cn=dd, Quanta Computer Inc. o=dd, ou Document Number Digitally signed by dd Rev C2A BLOCK DIAGRAM Date: Friday, December 29, 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 email=dddd@yahoo. Date: 2009.11.24 17:0 +07'00' Sheet 1 of 40 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [6] HT_RXD#[15..0] [6] HT_RXD[15..0] HT_RXD#[15..0] HT_RXD[15..0] U27A [6] HT_TXD[15..0] [6] HT_TXD#[15..0] HT_TXD[15..0] HT_TXD#[15..0] W/S= 15 mil/20mil C673 C671 C674 4.7UA/6.3V/R 180PA/50V/O 180P/50V/O 1.2V_HT CPUTEST2 CPUTEST3 CPUTEST6 CPUTEST7 CPUTEST8 CPUTEST10 2.5V 1 C684 2 100U/6.3V/6032 C669 C670 C668 C672 0.22U/6.3V/R 0.22UA/10V/X 4.7UA/6.3V/R 4.7UA/6.3V/R 1.2V_HT 1.2V_HT 1.2V_HT 1.2V_HT HT_RXD0 HT_RXD1 HT_RXD2 HT_RXD3 HT_RXD4 HT_RXD5 HT_RXD6 HT_RXD7 HT_RXD8 HT_RXD9 HT_RXD10 HT_RXD11 HT_RXD12 HT_RXD13 HT_RXD14 HT_RXD15 HT_RXD#0 HT

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