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TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments) TG200 series (210,215 & 230) free download

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File name:TG200 Series Instruction Manual.pdf
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Mfg:TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments)
Model:TG200 series (210,215 & 230) 🔎
Descr:Function generator up to 2Mhz. Instruction manual Thurlby Thandar Instruments (TTi) Models TG210, 215 & 230
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File name TG200 Series Instruction Manual.pdf

THURLBY THANDAR INSTRUMENTS TG210, TG215 & TG230 FUNCTION GENERATORS INSTRUCTION MANUAL Introduction The TG210/TG215/TG230 are 2MHz function generators with waveforms of sine, triangle, ramp, pulse and DC from a variable amplitude 50 or 600 output (50 only on TG230). A TTL/CMOS output is also provided. The frequency range is 0.02Hz to 2MHz selected by a seven decade range multiplier and calibrated vernier. Both the frequency vernier and the sweep input can give 1000:1 frequency change within a selected range. The generator output level is 20Vpk-pk maximum from a 50/600 source. The level is set via a switched attenuator plus vernier with a total range of >60dB. DC offset is vernier adjustable over a ±10V range with centre detent for 0V. A 10:1 symmetry range permits ramp and pulse waveforms to be produced. The TG215 and TG230 have digital readout of frequency, amplitude and offset with high resolution and fast update across the frequency range. The TG230 also has internal LIN/LOG sweep with sweep output. Amplitude modulation of up to 100% is possible, using the internal 400Hz oscillator or an external source. Table of Contents Specification Safety EMC Installation Operation Maintenance Instructions en Francais Sécurité Montage Utilisation Maintenance Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch Sicherheit Installation Betrieb Wartung Istruzioni in Italiano Sicurezza Installazione Funzionamento Manutenzione Instrucciones en Español Seguridad Instalacion Funcionamiento Mantenimiento 29 30 31 34 1 23 24 25 28 17 18 19 22 11 12 13 16 2 4 6 7 8 10 Specification FREQUENCY Frequency Range: Vernier Range: Vernier Accuracy: .02Hz to 2MHz in 7 overlapping decade ranges with fine adjustment by a vernier. 1000:1 on each range, except 2Hz and 20Hz range (>100:1). Typically ±5% of full scale for TG210; see Meter Accuracy for TG215 and TG230. SWEEP MODES INTERNAL (TG230 only) Sweep Range: Sweep Rate: Sweep Mode: 1000:1 within each range, except 2Hz and 20Hz range (>100:1). Adjustable, typically 20ms to 20 secs. Linear or logarithmic. Sweep start and stop frequencies displayed at the press of a button. 10k 0 to 3V for 1000:1 sweep. ±10V Better than 1% 0.1V/us EXTERNAL Input Impedance: Input Sensitivity: Maximum Allowable Input Voltage: Sweep Linearity: Maximum Slew Rate of sweep voltage: AMPLITUDE MODULATION (TG230 only) Depth: Frequency: External Sensitivity: Variable 0 to 100% 400Hz (internal). DC to 100kHz (external). Approximately 2V peak-to-peak for 100% modulation. METER ACCURACY (TG215/TG230 only) Frequency: ±1 digit on all ranges; reducing to 1% of full scale at: <2·30Hz on 20Hz range (SYM off) <·230Hz on 2Hz range (SYM off) and Amplitude: DC Offset: Resolution: <2·30Hz on 200Hz range (SYM on) <·230Hz on 20Hz and 2Hz ranges (SYM on) Typically 5% of range; display corrected for attenuator setting. Typically 2%; display corrected for attenuator setting. Frequency: Amplitude and DC Offset: 0·05% of range full scale. 0·5% of range full scale 2 OPERATING MODES (

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