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TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments) TG200 series (210,215 & 230) free download

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File name:TG200 Series Service Manual.pdf
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Mfg:TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments)
Model:TG200 series (210,215 & 230) 🔎
Descr:Function generator up to 2Mhz. Service manual Thurlby Thandar Instruments (TTi) Models TG210, 215 & 230
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
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File name TG200 Series Service Manual.pdf

TG200 Series Function/Sweep Generators Service Manual Book Part Number 48591-0400 Issue 3 Table of Contents General Specification Functional Description Circuit Descriptions Calibration Parts List Circuit Diagrams 2 3 6 7 10 12 42 1 General Service Handling Precautions Service work or calibration should only be carried out by skilled engineers. Please note the following points before commencing work. The tracks on the printed circuit board are very fine and may lift if subjected to excessive heat. Use only a miniature temperature controlled soldering iron and remove all solder (on both sides of the joint) with solder wick or suction before attempting to remove a component. Many of the integrated circuits are CMOS devices and care should be taken when handling to avoid damage by static discharge. Dismantling the instrument 1. 2. 3. Invert the instrument and remove the 4 screws next to the rubber feet. Lift off the case lower ensuring the front and rear panels stay with the case upper. To remove the pcbs and front panel assembly, remove the 6 screws securing the main pcb to the case upper. The 2 central screws are accessible through holes in the control and sweep pcbs. Reassemble in the reverse order. 4. IMPORTANT NOTE From February 1999 IC1 on TG215/TG230 becomes a PIC microcontroller, replacing the TSC821 measurement IC which had become obsolete. In addition to a completely new Display pcb the circuitry on the Main pcb associated with measurement and display also changed and some component values on the Control board changed too. In the following sections the original design is referred to as VERSION 1 and the new microcontroller design as VERSION 2; full schematics are given for both versions. The changes apply from Serial No. 109136 for TG215 and from No. 109198 for TG230. TG210 descriptions, Parts Lists, etc. remain unchanged whether built on the original or new Main pcb. 2 Specification FREQUENCY Frequency Range: Vernier Range: 0.02Hz to 2MHz in 7 overlapping decade ranges with fine adjustment by a vernier. 1000:1 on each range. SWEEP MODES INTERNAL (TG220/230 only) Sweep Range: Sweep Rate: Sweep Mode: EXTERNAL 1000:1 within each range. Adjustable, typically 20ms to 20 secs. Linear or logarithmic. Sweep start and stop frequencies displayed at the press of a button. 10k 0 to 3V for 1000:1 sweep ±10V Better than 1% 0.1V/us Input Impedance: Input Sensitivity: Maximum Allowable Input Voltage: Sweep Linearity: Maximum Slew Rate of Sweep Voltage: AMPLITUDE MODULATION (TG230 only) Depth: Frequency: External Sensitivity: Variable 0 to 100% 400Hz (internal). DC to 100kHz (external). Approximately 2V peak-to-peak for 50% modulation. METER ACCURACY (TG230 only) VERSION 1 Frequency: Amplitude: DC offset: Resolution: Update rate: ±1 digit on 2k to 2M ranges; better than 1% of full scale on 2 to 200 ranges. Typically 5% of range Typically 2% 0.05% maximum on all ranges (1 in 2000) Varies with range; at least 2 updates per second ±1 digit o

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