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File name VPPS 20W - SM 0640-665-00.pdf

VersaPulse PowerSuite Holmium 20 Watt SERVICE MANUAL This service manual is to be used in conjunction with the operator manual for the product. The operator manual contains important information regarding instrument description, location of controls, specifications, and normal operating procedures. LASER CLASS 4/IV Holmium:YAG: 2.1µ m, 5J Max, 600µ s pulse LASER CLASS 3A/IIIa Diode Laser: 650nm, 5mW Max, CW VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TO DIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATION CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT per EN 60825-1/1994 CLASS IV LASER PRODUCT per 21 cfr 1040 0635-365-01 Rev. B 2400 Condensa Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 764-7000 0640-665-00 REV. A This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual cannot be copied in whole or part without express written permission of Lumenis, Inc. Permitted copies must carry the same proprietary and copyright and copyright notices as were affixed to the original. Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the data given is accurate, the information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics are subject to change without notice. Lumenis and the Lumenis Logo are registered trademarks of Lumenis, Inc. Please direct all inquiries about this manual to: Lumenis, Inc. Technical Support C-35 2400 Condensa Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 764-3638 ©Lumenis, Inc. 0640-665-00 REV. A DISCLAIMER Lumenis service manuals are written specifically for use by Lumenis service engineers who have received formal training in the servicing of Lumenis Equipment, and by customers who have taken and passed a Lumenis certification service training course for the equipment being serviced. Information on certification service training courses offered to customers can be obtained by contacting the Technical Coordinator at (800) 367-7899. Lumenis does not accept responsiblity for personal injury or property damage resulting from the servicing of Lumenis equipment by its customers or by third parties, except where such injury or property damage is a direct result of Lumenis's negligence. Customers, by accepting the service manual, agree to indemnify Lumenis against any claims alleging personal injury or property damage resulting from the servicing of Lumenis equipment by the customer or by third parties, except where such injury or property damage is a direct result of Lumenis's negligence. These limitations include situations where Lumenis personnel are advising customers on the repair of Lumenis equipment over the telephone, via fax or e-mail. The servicing of Lumenis equipment by persons who have not passed a current Lumenis certification service training course for that equipment will void Lumenis's product warranty. VersaPulse PowerSuite Holmium 20 Watt Service Manual Disclaimer 0640-665-00 REV. A REVISION INFORMATION This is the REV. A release of the VersaPulse® PowerSuiteTM Holmium 20 Watt Service Manual. Contact L

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