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File name:PB0000300_A AcuPulse Service Manual-FINAL DRAFT.pdf
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File name PB0000300_A AcuPulse Service Manual-FINAL DRAFT.pdf

FINAL DRAFT - NOVEMBER 18, 2009 Carbon Dioxide Laser Service Manual Copyright © 2009, the Lumenis group of companies. All rights reserved. Lumenis, the Lumenis logo, AcuPulse, SurgiTouch, Pulser, SuperPulse, Acuscan 120, AcuSpot 712, Digital AcuBlade, OtoLAM and BeamAlign are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lumenis. This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied in whole or in part or reproduced in any other media without the express written permission of Lumenis. Permitted copies must carry the same proprietary and copyright notices as were affixed to the original. Under the law, copying includes translation into another language. Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the data given in this document is accurate, the information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics contained herein are subject to change without notice. Caution: U.S. law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. Notes: 1. System and Accessory specifications subject to change without notice. 2. Manual Catalog No. PB0000300 3. Manual Catalog Version "A" 4. Prepared October, 2009 FINAL DRAFT - NOVEMBER 18, 2009 ii Use of Manual: The AcuPulse system is designed to meet international safety and performance standards. Personnel operating or servicing the system must have a thorough understanding of the proper operation of the system. This manual has been prepared to aid Lumenis-authorized technical personnel to understand and service the system. Do not operate the system before reading this manual and gaining a clear understanding of the operation of the system. FINAL DRAFT - NOVEMBER 18, 2009 Regulatory European Representative: Lumenis (Germany) GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 3 D-63303 Dreieich Germany iii PHYSICIAN RESPONSIBILITY Federal (USA) law restricts prescription medical devices to sale by or on the order of a physician, or properly licensed practitioner. That physician will be responsible for the use and operation of the device and for all user qualifications. Lumenis makes no representations regarding federal, state or local laws or regulations that might apply to the use and operation of any medical device. The physician is responsible for contacting his or her local licensing agencies to determine any credentials required by law for clinical use and operation of the device. FINAL DRAFT - NOVEMBER 18, 2009 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE The AcuPulse system is a precision, technical medical device that requires routine service as well as consumable parts. All service must be performed by a Lumenis authorized technician and all parts must be purchased from Lumenis. Failure to obtain service and parts through Lumenis voids all warranties, express and implied. Please call Lumenis or your local representative for details. MODIFICATION OF DEVICE Unauthorized modification of the hardware, software or specifications of the system voids all wa

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