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File information:
File name:TECHNICAL BULLETIN Andromeda Group.rar
[preview AR-FX7]
Size:718 kB
Model:AR-FX7 🔎 ARFX7
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name battery%20replacement%20manual.pdf

Andromeda FAX battery replacement manual Outline of The flow of battery replacement procedure is as following. battery replacement procedure 1. Remove the insulating sheet and the battery from the FAX board. 2. Install a new battery on the FAX board and stick the insulating sheet. 3. Check the battery voltage. 4. Clear the all memory of the FAX. Tools 1. A digital tester (Analog testers are not acceptable.) 2. A soldering iron, solder (Wider soldering irons are easier to use.) 3. A phillips-head screwdriver 4. Radio pliers 5. Desoldering equipment 6. Alcohol, waste (for cleaning the board) 7. Short pins Detailed procedure Procedure 1 Remove the insulating sheet and the battery from the FAX board. (1) Remove the insulating sheet from the backside of the board. (2) Remove the two battery terminals under the insulating sheet. 0ûake out the terminals by heating by a soldering iron. T 0ûake off the remaining solder by desoldering equipment. T Battery terminals (Two parts) Insulatin g sheet Take off the insulating sheet. The state when the insulating sheet and the batteries are removed Procedure 2 Install a new battery (UBATI0014FCZZ) on the FAX board and stick the insulating sheet. (1) Insert the battery from the front side of the board, and solder two parts of the terminal. Insert the battery and the terminal (the outside terminal) aligning them with the "+" mark of silk screen print. Note: Cover the holes in the board by solder. (2) Clean around the soldered area with alcohol. Remove the residue of solder, dirt, and other foreign material from the insulating sheet. (3) Stick the insulating sheet. Stick the urethan part of the insulating sheet between the battery terminals with the double-sided tape on the urethan part. ÿNote: Make sure that the battery terminals are equally covered in terms of the dista
File name The%20method%20to%20measure%20the%20battery%20voltage.pdf

Andromeda FAX PWB The method to measure the battery voltage Detailed procedure Procedure 1 Measure the battery voltage and check if it is necessary to replace the battery. The method to measure the battery voltage The plus probe of the tester : Connect to the terminal of JP4 The minus probe of the testerConnect to the minus (-) terminal of C257 : Problems other than decrease of battery voltage is suspected if the battery voltage is 2.8V or more. Plus side Minus side of the of the tester tester The area in the dotted line Enlarged view of the plus side of the tester Enlarged view of the minus side of the tester The plus probe The minus probe of the tester of the tester

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