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[preview AR-M256 AR-M257 AR-M258 AR-M316 AR-M317 AR-M318 AR-5625_5631]
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Model:AR-M256 AR-M257 AR-M258 AR-M316 AR-M317 AR-M318 AR-5625_5631 🔎
Descr:AR-M256 AR-M257 AR-M258 AR-M316 AR-M317 AR-M318 AR-56255631 PARTS GUIDE for Andromeda Group 2
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File name ARM256277gppwb.pdf

PARTS GUIDE CODE:00ZARM317/P2/ DIGITAL LASER COPIER / PRINTER AR-267S/AR-267G AR-317S/AR-317G AR-M256/AR-M258 AR-M316/AR-M318 AR-5625/AR-5631 (PWB section) AR-267FG/AR-267FP AR-317FG/AR-317FP AR-M257/AR-M317 MODEL AR-267G/267S/267FG/267FP AR-317G/317S/317FG/317FP AR-M256/M257/M258 AR-M316/M317/M318 AR-5625/5631 CONTENTS 1 SPLC (SPLC PWB UINT) 2 MCU (MCU PWB UNIT) 3 IMC (IMC PWB UNIT) 4 (Option Connector PWB U) 5 OPU (OPU PWB UNIT) 6 UN(Cassette IF PWB unit) 7 KEY (KEY PWB UNIT) (Index) SHARP CORPORATION This document has been published to be used for after sales service only. The contents are subject to change without notice. A : B : E : D : C : DEFINITION Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank A B E D C : : : : : Maintenance parts, and consumable parts which are not included in but closely related to maintenance parts Performance/function parts (sensors, clutches, and other electrical parts), consumable parts Unit parts including PWB Preparation parts (External fitting, packing, parts packed together) Parts other than the above (excluding sub components of PWB) ! Because parts marked with "!" is indispensable for the machine safety maintenance and operation, it must be replaced with the parts specific to the product specification. F F F F ( ) Other than this Parts Guide, please refer to documents Service Manual(including Circuit Diagram)of this model. Please use the 13 digit code described in the right hand corner of front cover of the document, when you place an order. For U.S. only-Use order codes provided in advertising literature. Do not order from parts department. 1 SPLC (SPLC PWB UINT) NO. 1 RMPTR4330ACPZN 2 RMPTR4102ACPZN 3 RMPTR4220ACPZN 4 RMPTR4101ACPZN 5 RMPTR4103ACPZN 6 QSOCN0002ESZZ 7 QCNCW0025QSZZ 8 QSOCN0005ESZZ VCKYRZ1CF104ZN VCKYRZ1CF104ZN 9 VCKYRZ1CF104ZN VCKYRZ1CF104ZN VCKYRZ1CF104ZN 10 VCCCRZ1HH330JN 11 VCKYRZ1EF223ZN VCCCRZ1HH101JN 12 VCCCRZ1HH101JN 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 25 26 VCCCRZ1HH470JN VCKYRY1HB102KN VHDAK03////-18 VHEUDZS6.2B-14 VHDRB521S30-17 VHIM51953BL-18 VHILVX1284+0CL VHILM393D++-17 VHI74LCX08MTCVRSRCZ1JD103JN 28 VRSRCZ1JD103JN VRSRCZ1JD103JN VRSRCZ1JD330JN VRSRCZ1JD330JN VRSRCZ1JD000JN 30 VRSRCZ1JD000JN 31 VRSRCZ1JD220JN 29 AA AA AA AD AC AC AE AM AE AD AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA DD DD DD DJ DJ DJ DJ EG DJ DJ DD DD DD DD DD DD DD DD C C C B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C AA AA AA AA AA AH AL AE AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA DD DD DD DD DD DX EB DS DD DD DD DD DD DD DD DD B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C PARTS CODE RMPTR4330ACPZN PRICE RANK Ex. Ja. AA DD NEW MARK PART RANK B DESCRIPTION Network chip resistor(33J X4) [BR1,BR2,BR3,BR4,BR5,BR6,BR7,BR13,BR14] Network chip resistor(33J X4) [BR15,BR16,BR19,BR20,BR21,BR22,BR25,BR26] Network chip resistor(1kJ X4) [BR8] Network chip resistor(22J X4) [BR9,BR10] Network chip resistor(100J X4) [BR11,BR12] Network chip resistor(10kJ X4) [BR17,BR18,BR27,BR28,BR29,BR30] Connector(RBE42-36K1153) [CN2] Connector(X24-60R-12ST-H1E) [CN3] Connector(UBR23-4K2200)
File name arm317_r.pdf

PARTS GUIDE Revised Edition CODE:00ZARM317/018 DIGITAL LASER COPIER / PRINTER AR-267S/AR-267G AR-317S/AR-317G AR-M256/AR-M258 AR-M316/AR-M318 AR-5625/AR-5631 MODEL AR-267FG/AR-267FP AR-317FG/AR-317FP AR-M257/AR-M317 AR-267G/267S/267FG/267FP AR-317G/317S/317FG/317FP AR-M256/M257/M258 AR-M316/M317/M318 AR-5625/5631 CONTENTS 1 1(Exteriors 1) 2 2(Exteriors 2) 3 (Delivery tray section) 4 (Original cover unit) (AR-267G/S/317G/S) P (Multi manual paper feed tray unit) Q (Multi manual paper feed unit) 5 RSPF 6 RSPF 7 RSPF 8 RSPF 9 RSPF 1(RSPF Exteriors 1) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317) 2(RSPF Exteriors 2) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317) (RSPF Paper feeding section) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317) 1(RSPF Transport section 1) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317) 2(RSPF Transport section 2) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317) F (OPE. panel unit) G (Frame section) H (Lump uni) I 1(Optical frame 1) J 2(Optical frame 2) K (Middle frame) L 550 (550 cassette unit) M (Paper feed section) N (Paper transfer section) O (Side door unit) R DV (DV unit) S (Process unit) T 1(Fusing unit 1) U 2(Fusing unit 2) V (Drive unit) W 1(1st delivery paper unit 1) X 2(1st delivery paper unit 2) Y (2nd delivery paper unit) Z (PWB section) [ (Rear frame section) \ 2nd (2nd exteriors) ] 2nd 550 (2nd 550 cassette unit) ^ 2nd (2nd paper feed section) _ 2nd (2nd paper transfer section) . 2nd (2nd drive section) a (Pick up motor unit) b (Job-separater unit) (AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP) c (Packing material & accessories) (Index) SHARP CORPORATION This document has been published to be used for after sales service only. The contents are subject to change without notice. < > No1 6 < > 1 2 3 4 5 6 (a,b,c...) (a,b,c...) < > R/C < > R/ C Interchangeability of parts is expressed by No1~6 as shown in the table below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interchangeable. Current type can be used in place of new type. New type cannot be used in place of current type. Current type cannot be used in place of new type. New type can be used in place of current type. Not interchangeable. Interchangeable if replaced with same types of releted parts in use. Others. New & Addition, Change, Abolition, and Quantity change are expressed with the marks shown in the table below. New & Addition Change Abolition Q'uantity (increase) /Others Q'uantity (decrease) Correction Running Change of Effective Time is expressed as R/C. R/ C Running Change 1 Update : 2008/08/29 A : B : E : D : C : DEFINITION Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank A B E D C : : : : : Maintenance parts, and consumable parts which are not included in but closely related to maintenance parts Performance/function parts (sensors, clutches, and other electrical parts), consumable parts Unit parts including PWB Preparation parts (External fitting, packing, parts packed together) Parts other t
File name P_G_arm316_r.pdf

PARTS GUIDE Revised Edition CODE:00ZARM317/023 DIGITAL LASER COPIER / PRINTER AR-267S/AR-267G AR-317S/AR-317G AR-M256/AR-M258 AR-M316/AR-M318 AR-5625/AR-5631 MODEL AR-267FG/AR-267FP AR-317FG/AR-317FP AR-M257/AR-M317 AR-267G/267S/267FG/267FP AR-317G/317S/317FG/317FP AR-M256/M257/M258 AR-M316/M317/M318 AR-5625/5631 CONTENTS 1 1(Exteriors 1) 2 2(Exteriors 2) 3 (Delivery tray section) 4 (Original cover unit) [AR-267G/S/317G/S] P (Multi manual paper feed tray unit) Q (Multi manual paper feed unit) 5 RSPF 6 RSPF 7 RSPF 8 RSPF 9 RSPF 1(RSPF Exteriors 1) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317] 2(RSPF Exteriors 2) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317] (RSPF Paper feeding section) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317] 1(RSPF Transport section 1) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317] 2(RSPF Transport section 2) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP/M257/M317] F (Operation panel unit) G (Frame section) H (Lamp unit) I 1(Optical frame 1) J 2(Optical frame 2) K (Middle frame section) L 550 (550 cassette unit) M (Paper feed section) N (Paper transfer section) O (Side door unit) R DV (DV unit) S (Process unit) T 1(Fusing unit 1) U 2(Fusing unit 2) V (Drive unit) W 1(1st delivery paper unit 1) X 2(1st delivery paper unit 2) Y (2nd delivery paper unit) Z (PWB section) [ (Rear frame section) \ 2nd (2nd exteriors) ] 2nd 550 (2nd 550 cassette unit) ^ 2nd (2nd paper feed section) _ 2nd (2nd paper transfer section) . 2nd (2nd drive section) a (Lift up unit) b (Job-separater unit) [AR-267FG/FP/317FG/FP] c (Packing material & accessories) (Index) SHARP CORPORATION This document has been published to be used for after sales service only. The contents are subject to change without notice. < > No1 6 < > 1 2 3 4 5 6 (a,b,c...) (a,b,c...) < > R/C < > R/ C Interchangeability of parts is expressed by No1~6 as shown in the table below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interchangeable. Current type can be used in place of new type. New type cannot be used in place of current type. Current type cannot be used in place of new type. New type can be used in place of current type. Not interchangeable. Interchangeable if replaced with same types of releted parts in use. Others. New & Addition, Change, Abolition, and Quantity change are expressed with the marks shown in the table below. New & Addition Change Abolition Q'uantity (increase) /Others Q'uantity (decrease) Correction Running Change of Effective Time is expressed as R/C. R/ C Running Change 1 Update : 2008/08/29 A : B : E : D : C : DEFINITION Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank A B E D C : : : : : Maintenance parts, and consumable parts which are not included in but closely related to maintenance parts Performance/function parts (sensors, clutches, and other electrical parts), consumable parts Unit parts including PWB Preparation parts (External fitting, packing, parts packed together) Parts

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