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1 2 ! CM401 221/1KV 3 4 AC_NEUTRAL RM804 47K/2W(R) AC_LIVE PFC_OUT DM802 1N5406 FM801S 250V T2.5AL TM801S QGAH00117 NC : No Connection Vg_IN QM410 FQPF27P06 3 2 RM422 6.8K(1608)F Vg Amp ! D ! RM430 4.7K(1608)F VG_A DM803 UF4007 3 1 ! NC CE803S RM805 47K/2W(R) CM801 22uF/450V(LOW) CM802 222/800V 1 7 DM404 FMX-2203 D5V3 RM401 100K(1608)F RM438 33K(1608)F RM402 100K(1608)F RM442 3.3K(1608)F ZDM401 KDZ2.7V CM422 103/50V(1608) RM424 470R(1608)F RM443 470R(1608)F D ! CE804S 250V 1nF CE805S 250V 1nF ! PCM803S/B LTV-817 CM443 474/25V(2012) ! LE801S [OPTION] 42" : 0.85 50" : 0.95 ! AE801S DSS-601M, 600V DM801 1N4007S CM409 1000uF/35V(L0W) CM410 1000uF/25V CM444 474/25V(2012) RM436 4.7K(1608)F ON/OFF_RELAY DM809 1N4007S CE802S [OPTION] 42" : 0.68uF, 250V 50" : 1uF, 250V DM806 LMBD2836LT1G CM807 33uF/50V(LOW) RM803 2.2R(2012)F CM804 104/50V(1608) 1 4 ZDM801 KDZ15V 5 ZDM802 KDZ15V ICM801 ICE3BR1065JF FB CM402 221/1KV DM804 UF4007 4 CM416 104/50V(1608) DM410 LMBD2836LT1G QM412 KRC101S(SMD) QM411 KRC101S(SMD) RM425 10K(1608)F ICM402 KA431SAMF2(SMD) RM423 2K(1608)F ! 2 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 3 DM808 1N4007S GND RL802S SDT-S-105DMR, 250V 10A DRAIN Vcc ! GND D5V3_IN RM439 4.7K(1608)F Vg_IN QM402 AOD4184L 2 3 ZDM402 KDZ9.1V TH_RELAY C/S C ! NT801S 10 ohm at 25 2 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 3 TH_RELAY BA 6 RM801 20R(1608)F DM807 LMBD2836LT1G DM811 LMDL6050T1G PCM801S/B LTV-817 9,10 C 2 3 5 6 D5V3 ZDM805 MTZJ8.2V ! RM806 4.7R(2012)F DM401 FCH10A(U)10 RM807 4.7R(2012)F 11,12 LTV-817 PCM801S/A RM409 330(1608)F 1 RM412 47K(1608)F RM428 100K(1608)F ZDM403 KDZ9.1V CM411 100uF/50V(LOW) RM432 100R 2W(R) RM431 100R 2W(R) ! RL801S SDT-S-105DMR, 250V 10A 1 RM802 CM809 0R39(2W) CM805 103/50V(1608) 474/16V(1608) ! DM805 UF4007 CM403 2200uF/10V(LOW) ! VE802S INR 14D 751K RM410 1K(1608)F 2 RM411 5.6K(1608)F RM414 56K(1608)F QM403 KRC101S(SMD) CM405 331/50V(1608) CM407 104/50V(1608) GND RM416 24K(1608)F CM415 104/50V(1608) CM436 474/25V(2012) 2 ICM405 1 AOD4184L RM441 47R/1W LTV-817 PCQ801S/B 3 D5V3_IN STD_5V RQ806 330K(2012)F RQ808 RQ807 270K(2012)F 270K(2012)F RQ809 270K(2012)F RQ810 270K(2012)F DQ802 1N4007S RQ801 2K(1608)F CM404 2200uF/10V(LOW) CM406 224/50V(2012) 1 RM417 5.6K(1608)F 3 RQ817 300K(1608)F 2 2 ICM401 KA431AZ RQ812 RQ813 RQ811 180K(2012)F 180K(2012)F 180K(2012)F RQ814 180K(2012)F RQ815 91K(2012)F DQ801 1N4007S ZDQ801 KDZ9.1V RQ803 100K(1608)F RQ816 1.2M(1608)F RQ802 24K(1608)F ! PCQ801S/A LTV-817 ! CE801S NC 1 RM418 47K(1608)F DQ803 LMDL6050T1G QQ803 KRC101S(SMD) DM402 VG_A UF4007 RM404 47K(1608)F DM403 1N4007S ! AC-DETECT RM440 100R(1608)F QM405 CM412 100uF/50V(LOW) B ! RE801S 2.2Mohm 1/2W ZDQ803 KDZ9.1V QQ802 KTN2907AS(SMD) B LE802S [OPTION] 42" : 0.75 50" : 1.0 CQ801 334/100V ! ZDQ802 KDZ8.2V RQ804 470K(1608)F QQ801 KN3904S(SMD) CM426 224/50V(2012) CM427 224/50V(2012) CM428 224/50V(2012) CM429 224/50V(2012) KRC101S(SMD) CM414 104/50V(1608) RQ805 180K(1608)F CQ802 104/50V(1608) Pro

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