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TDA7377 2 x 30W DUAL/QUAD POWER AMPLIFIER FOR CAR RADIO HIGH OUTPUT POWER CAPABILITY: 2 x 35W max./4 2 x 30W/4 EIAJ 2 x 30W/4 EIAJ 2 x 20W/4 @14.4V, 1KHz, 10% 4 x 6W/4 @14.4V, 1KHz, 10% 4 x 10W/2 @14.4V, 1KHz, 10% MINIMUM EXTERNAL COMPONENTS COUNT: ­ NO BOOTSTRAP CAPACITORS ­ NO BOUCHEROT CELLS ­ INTERNALLY FIXED GAIN (26dB BTL) ST-BY FUNCTION (CMOS COMPATIBLE) NOAUDIBLE POPDURING ST-BYOPERATIONS DIAGNOSTICS FACILITY FOR: ­ CLIPPING ­ OUT TO GND SHORT ­ OUT TO VS SHORT ­ SOFT SHORT AT TURN-ON ­ THERMAL SHUTDOWN PROXIMITY Protections: OUPUT AC/DC SHORT CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM MULTIWATT15V MULTIWATT15H ORDERING NUMBERS: TDA7377V TDA7377H ­ TO GND ­ TO VS ­ ACROSS THE LOAD SOFT SHORT AT TURN-ON OVERRATING CHIP TEMPERATURE WITH SOFT THERMAL LIMITER LOAD DUMP VOLTAGE SURGE VERY INDUCTIVE LOADS FORTUITOUS OPEN GND REVERSED BATTERY ESD DIAGNOSTICS September 1998 1/10 TDA7377 DESCRIPTION The TDA7377 is a new technology class AB car radio amplifier able to work either in DUAL BRIDGE or QUAD SINGLE ENDED configuration. The exclusive fully complementary structure of the output stage and the internally fixed gain guaranABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vop VS Vpeak IO IO Ptot Tstg, Tj Operating Supply Voltage DC Supply Voltage Peak Supply Voltage (for t = 50ms) Output Peak Current (not repetitive t = 100µs) Output Peak Current (repetitive f > 10Hz) Power Dissipation (Tcase = 85°C) Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value 18 28 50 4.5 3.5 36 -40 to 150 Unit V V V A A W °C tees the highest possible power performances with extremely reduced component count. The on-board clip detector simplifies gain compression operation. The fault diagnostics makes it possible to detect mistakes during car radio set assembly and wiring in the car. GENERAL STRUCTURE THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-case Description Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Value 1.8 Unit °C/W PIN CONNECTION (Top view) DIAGNOSTICS 2/10 TDA7377 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuit, VS = 14.4V; RL = 4; f = 1KHz; T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Symbol VS Id VOS PO Parameter Supply Voltage Range Total Quiescent Drain Current Output Offset Voltage Output Power THD = 10%; RL = 4 Bridge Single Ended Single Ended, RL = 2 VS = 14.4V, Bridge VS = 13.7V, Bridge R L = 4 Single Ended, PO = 0.1 to 4W Bridge, PO = 0.1 to 10W f = 1KHz Single Ended f = 10KHz Single Ended f = 1KHz Bridge f = 10KHz Bridge R IN GV GV EIN Input Impedance Voltage Gain Voltage Gain Match Input Noise Voltage R g = 0; "A" weighted, S.E. Non Inverting Channels Inverting Channels Bridge Rg = 0; 22Hz to 22KHz SVR A SB ISB V SB V SB Ipin7 Supply Voltage Rejection Stand-by Attenuation ST-BY Current Consumption ST-BY In Threshold Voltage ST-BY Out Threshold Voltage ST-BY Pin Current Play Mode V pin7 = 5V Max Driving Current Under Fault (*) Icd off Icd on Vsat pin10 Clipping Detector Output Average Current Clipping Detector Output Average Current Voltage Saturation on pin 10 d = 1% (**) d = 5% (**) Sink Current

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20-04-2005Michel4u9could not find this device datasheet on the internet (unless pay for it). Here it was perfect fit and free. Thx.

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