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File name:dynaudio passa 3c build.pdf
[preview Passat B6]
Size:1198 kB
Model:Passat B6 🔎
Original:passat b6 🔎
Descr:PASSAT 2006 - 2010 B6 dynaudio install
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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File name dynaudio passa 3c build.pdf

Dynaudio installation in Passat 3C Based on Roy's descriptions ( I've now also completed my installation of the Dynaudio system in my Passat. I'm very pleased with both the great sound and the fact that it has only cost me approx. 800 (amplifier and speakers purchased on eBay) compared to the 4000 it cost on the Danish Passat extras list . Thanks Roy. The entire project has lasted me about 30 hours or so, and I find the result well worth it. But I don't think this is a one day project to anybody, so be prepared to spend some hours pulling your car apart if you start on this. My initial Car configuration was as follows: - Passat 2006 2.0 TDI Variant Comfortline. - RCD300 radio and 8 VW speakers (standard in Denmark) - Antenna and 4 speaker wires (one signal for each door) As head unit I've built in a MFD2 DVD instead of the RCD300, and while at it, I also built in a Nokia CK7W hands-free unit. Since my car already had the antenna built in, I didn't need to dismantle the C-column or the rear inside of the car. I did however have to dismantle the following: - All 4 door covers. - Lower B column cover. - Lower and middle A column cover. - Side entry covers. - Foot well side and top covers. - Radio coverframe. - Climate Control coverframe - Storage drawer below the headlights switch I managed to get all the wiring fitted without removing the glove compartment or the driver's seat as described by Roy. Depending on how comfortable you are with removing the seat and glove compartment, you may find that easier. Choose what suit you best. Once completed, the result should be this installation: Installation of antenna If you don't have the antenna installed you have install the two antenna amplifiers (3C9 035 552 A = right & 3C9 035 552 D = left) in the C-column and fit the antenna cables (2x 000 098 657) along the sides of the under the side entry covers. I didn't have to do this, as I had the antenna amplifiers and cables fitted from the factory. Replacing the Speakers in the doors I started out by replacing the speakers in the doors one door at a time. For each door, a plastic cover in the door handled must be withdrawn to reveal the screws fixing the cover to the door frame. Removing those screws and the ones at the bottom, leaves the door covers to be pulled from the door frame (gently, but with some force). I had all 8 standard VW speakers fitted from the factory (the additional 2 speakers in the Dynaudio solution are midrange speakers fitted in the same holes as the front bass speakers). To remove these, I had to carefully drill out the rivets to remove the speakers. With the speakers removed, I could proceed with adding the need wiring for the new speakers. I was able to reuse the plugs from the original speakers and the original single set of wires in each door by cutting the wires and connecting

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