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Now downloading free:Cryoprecipitate Refrigeration CR-120

Cryoprecipitate Refrigeration CR-120 free download

Refrigerators service manuals

File information:
File name:Fridge Manual.pdf
[preview CR-120]
Size:134 kB
Mfg:Cryoprecipitate Refrigeration
Model:CR-120 🔎 CR120
Descr:1.7 cubic foot, internet controllable lab refrigerator used to store Cryoprecipitate
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Refrigerators
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Fridge Manual.pdf

Cryoprecipitate Refrigeration Internet-Connected Laboratory Refrigerator Model CR-120 Model CR-120c Please read this manual carefully before using this product. Misuse could ruin your cryoprecipitate supply. COPYRIGHT 2017 CRYOPRECIPITATE REFRIGERATION 1 PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE OPERATION Do not use if the power cord is damaged. This may result in electric shock. Do not touch any of the electric parts in the back of the refrigerator. Do not sit or stand on the refrigerator. Do not modify, disassemble or tamper with the thermostat as this may cause false readings and ruin your cryoprecipitate supply. Always hold the handle when closing the door to help prevent trapped fingers. Only store the unit on a flat surface. The unit may malfunction if not maintained on a level surface. Always disconnect the power plug when the unit is not used for long periods. The recommended temperature for cryoprecipitate is -22 °F (-30 °C) but can be maintained at a temperature as high as 0 °F (-18 °C). The thermostat of the CR-120c can be accessed through any browser and adjusted as needed. Connecting to the Internet 1. Find the network name on the LCD on the back of the appliance 2. Press next 3. Enter the WiFi password using the buttons below the LCD 4. Press next 5. Make a note of the IP address provided. This will be a number in the formate of 123.345.67.890 Remote Monitoring Logging in: Log in using the default password. The default password is: User name: admin Password: admin It is strongly recommended that you change the password upon set-up. Once logged in, the temperature can be adjusted using the slider. Slide the square to the right to increase the temperature, or slide left to reduce the temperature. COPYRIGHT 2017 CRYOPRECIPITATE REFRIGERATION 2 Slider Temperature COPYRIGHT 2017 CRYOPRECIPITATE REFRIGERATION 3

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