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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2032-6_Time_Sharing_System_Assembler_Programmers_Guide_Apr76

IBM GC28-2032-6_Time_Sharing_System_Assembler_Programmers_Guide_Apr76 free download

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File name GC28-2032-6_Time_Sharing_System_Assembler_Programmers_Guide_Apr76.pdf

File No. S360-21 Order No. GC28-2032-6 Systems Reference Library IBM Time Sharing System Assembler Programmer's Guide This publication explains the use of the Time Sharing System (TSS) for assembler language programmers. It describes how to assemble, store, and execute programs in TSS, introduces the com- mand system, and explains the basic rules of task and data man- agement. Numerous examples are given showing typical user- system interaction. The appendixes include information on assembler options, output, and restrictions, as well as program SEVENTH EDITION (April 1976) This is a revision of, and makes obsolete GC28-3032-5 and Technical News- letter GN28-320L This new edition of the A,scillbler Programmer's Guide includes revised user-system interaction examples and editorial changes, and deletes an outdated appendi,. This edition is current with Rele.I hr.mch office serving your locality. A form is provided at the baek of this publication for readers' comments. If the form has been remowd, c-ommt'nh may be addressed to IB\I Cor- poration, Time Sharing System - Dep'lrtment 80\!, 113.1 \\'estchester Avenue, \Vhite Plains, :\ew York 1060-1. :e Copyright International Busill{,SS \bchill'" Cmporation 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971,1976 Preface This publication is a guide to the use of the assembler but rather the use of the system. The assembler lan- language facilities of TSS. It is intended for applications guage is specified in these publications: programmers who code in the assembler language. IBM Time Sharing System: Assembler Language, The publication is divided into four parts. GC28-2000 Part I is an overview of the Time Sharing System, outlining the major concepts of the system. IBM Time Sharing System: Assembler User Macro Part II describes the basic task and data management Instructions, GC28-2004 information you will need to use the system effectively: You will also need to refer to: how to execute tasks in conversational and nonconver- sational mode, and how to name, catalog, store, and IBM Time Sharing System: Command System User's manipulate your data sets. It also explains specific Guide, GC28-2001, for a complete de

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